Tuesday, May 7, 2024

May 7, 2024

May 7, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors of the Pure Land School

6B. An Imperial Order Versus the Produce of a Local Farmer

Some people feel it is too dull and insipid to only practice recitation of the six-character name (“Namo Amitabha Buddha”.) They become worried and doubtful and wonder “Can I really gain rebirth in the Land of Bliss by simply reciting Amitabha’s name? For instance, if I had practiced generosity or freeing captured animals, etc. wouldn’t I have accumulated more virtuous roots and meritorious deeds? Such practices are obvious for all to see. Aren’t they more reliable for my rebirth there?”

Imagine a civilian is summoned to have an audience with the king. He is so excited, anticipating that he will receive an appointment and be rewarded. However, he becomes doubtful about his legitimate right to the emperor’s favor since he is poor and has made no contributions to the country. With a flash of insight, he comes up with an idea. “I can offer some homegrown specialties, like tomatoes or sweet potatoes, as my tribute to his Majesty!”

He laboriously carries the heavy load of farm produce to the palace, sweating all over, only to be stopped by the guards at the gate because he forgot to bring the imperial edict with him. He didn’t think the decree, containing just a few words, was as important as his hard labor in the farming of his homegrown produce. Of course, without his copy of the edict, he is refused entrance to the palace.

All the merits and virtues we may have accumulated by practicing the Five Precepts and Ten Good Actions, in comparison with the six-character name, are no more valuable than a sweet potato. The six-syllable name is the bestowal of Amitabha Buddha, we must take it as both his imperial order and command to Amitabha-reciters. By reciting “Namo Amitabha Buddha”, we are assured of rebirth in the Land of Bliss with no barriers or hindrances.

As the following verse puts it,

“Be not surprised that a single recitation should surpass

The ten stages of cultivation on the path of the Bodhisattvas.

We should know that the six characters encompass

The merits of the practices of the Three Vehicles by a Sravaka, Pratyekabuddha and Bodhisattva.”

Now we see that every single recitation of “Namo Amitabha Buddha” enables us to surpass the merits of the cultivation of the ten stages on the path of Bodhisattvas. This is because all of the virtuous roots and

meritorious blessings of the Sravakas, Pratyekabuddhas and Bodhisattvas are embodied in the six-character name.

6B. 念佛即是多善根妙喻之二 - 聖旨對土特產喻


如老百姓蒙受皇上召見,要去封官加賞,高興至極,但轉念一想:「自己一無所有,對國家毫無貢獻,怎麼可以封官加賞呢?」他又一想:「有好辦法了,家裏有土特產,帶一 點家裏種的地瓜、土豆去上貢。」他辛辛苦苦把地瓜、土豆挑到宮門,挑得滿頭大汗;但衛兵卻把他攔住,不讓進宮,因為他忘了帶聖旨。他覺得聖旨不過幾個字,輕飄飄的,也不是自己的貢獻,應該不重要。結果他進不了宮門。



Namo Amituofo!