Monday, June 27, 2022

June 26, 2022

Jun 26, 2022
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about “throwing away intelligence and learning to be a fool”

As an Amitabha-reciter, one should not rely on his own intelligence and wisdom. In fact, he should throw both of these into the Eastern Ocean. It is best for him to learn that he is a foolish man, and, even more importantly, to scrupulously continue the practice of Amitabha-recitation.

念佛之人,勿自仗聰明智慧,須拋之於東洋大海外。 最好學愚夫愚婦,老實行持為要。

Namo Amituofo!

June 25, 2022

Jun 25, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – the 18th Vow

The word “even” and the phrase “for one day ... and for seven days” have the same meaning. It also includes, Even - ten times, five times, one time, one thought, eleven times, twenty times, hundreds and thousands, millions and billions of times. That is to say: from the moment you believe, follow, and aspire to be reborn, you should practice name-recitation until the end-of-life, and nothing else. This is the meaning of “even ten times”.


Namo Amituofo!

June 24, 2022

Jun 24, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – the 18th Vow

Some people misunderstand the meaning of “even ten times” stated in Amitabha’s 18th Vow. They think that they must recite ten times, not eleven times; and it will not work if they recite nine times, because they missed one time. This is totally wrong.
They neglect the word “even”. “Even ten times” does not mean that “ten times” is fixed, or that it only works by reciting “ten times”. It is not like that.
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

June 23, 2022

Jun 23, 2022
The 31 Verses Explaining the Amitabha Sutra from “ In Praise of Dharma Practices” by Master Shandao
善導大師《法事讚》 轉《阿彌陀經》31偈語

2. A Verse to Praise the Master of Buddhism
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
Shakyamuni Tathagata attained perfect Enlightenment, and delivered sentient beings by preaching for forty nine years.
The Buddha preached and taught sentient beings in the five regions of Tianzhu (ancient India). All demons and those of external paths returned and took refuge in the Buddha.
No one in heaven or earth surpasses the Buddha. It is extremely difficult to encounter the compassionate Buddha who delivers those in suffering.
Sometimes, the Buddha emits the divine light permeating the Six Realms. Those who are in contact with that light will become kind-hearted.
All can be benefitted, whether the Buddha is physically present or appears in his non-physical state. They will never again fall into the Three Wretched Realms, and no longer need to seek the way to return home.
Sometimes, the Buddha shakes the land and sea, mountains and rivers, in order to awaken those who are ignorant, and those whose faith is not yet deep enough.
Sometimes, the Buddha speaks of the Dharma based on his own intent and advises sentient beings in many expedient ways to enter the forest of Dharma.
The forest of Dharma is Amitabha’s Land, which consists of undisturbed freedom and joy.
The multitude admires and unanimously aspires to be reborn there, hold fragrant flowers in their hands, and always make offerings to the Buddha.

2. 讚教主偈
願往生 願往生
釋迦如來成正覺 四十九載度眾生
五天竺國皆行化 邪魔外道盡歸宗
天上天下無過佛 慈悲救苦實難逢
或放神光遍六道 蒙光觸者起慈心
或住或來皆盡益 三塗永絕斷追尋
或震大地山河海 為覺萌冥信未深
或自說法教相勸 展轉相將入法林
法林即是彌陀國 逍遙快樂不相侵
眾等傾心皆願往 手執香華常供養

Namo Amituofo!

June 22, 2022

Jun 22, 2022
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

The Characteristics of the Aptitudes of Sentient Beings
The Great Wisdom Shastra says, “ In the worldly realm of the five desires, (such as sound, matter, smell, etc.) most sentient beings crave them, and are unwilling to depart from them. With respect to all Dharma, they compare existence with non-existence, or permanence with impermanence.”
We are born in the world of Five Kinds of Turbidity. Basically, we have turbidity of views and turbidity of afflictions. Our thinking and our behaviours are also turbid, they are unfolded from the deeply -rooted afflictions caused by greed, hatred and delusion. So, this world of course contains more wickedness than virtues.
The Ksitigarbha Sutra directly says, “Among sentient beings in Jambudvipa, all of their actions and thoughts are karma and also a source of offenses. For this reason, we have to look at ourselves honestly, to appraise whether we do more good or bad. Who dares to say that they possess more virtue and less wickedness?


Namo Amituofo!

June 21, 2022

Jun 21, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in the Pure Land

Second - the perfection of vows and practices with respect to taking refuge through faith. Upon hearing about the awesome virtues of the Name, sentient beings accept it based on faith. This is what is known as “faith in other power”. This faith is of course perfected through the vows and practices contained within the Name. These are known as “the perfected vows and practices that instill faith”.
Third - perfection of vows and practices with respect to Amitabha-recitation. As sentient beings continuously recite Amitabha’s Name, their faith is perfected. Their uninterrupted name-recitation wholly reflects their faith. The Name, which is the body of their faith, can be realized through their verbal karma, and the vows and practices are replete in their every single name-recitation. The vows and practices contained within the Name nourish our faith with every recitation.

歸命信心具足願行:眾生聞其名號之威德時,名號成為眾生的信心,此謂之他力信心,此信心自然具足名號所具的願行,故說信心具足願行。在此能具的是信心, 所具的是名號中的願行。

Namo Amituofo!

June 20, 2022

Jun 20, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in the Pure Land

There are three kinds of perfection of vows and practices.
First - perfection of vows and practices with respect to the Dharma body of the Name –
“Vows” refers to the great vows to deliver sentient beings. These are the great vows made by Amitabha, who took 5 eons to perceive and create the vows, when he was still in the causal ground.
“Practices” refers to the karmic practices to accomplish the vows. These are the great practices performed by Amitabha, who took countless eons to complete his cultivation.
The Name “Namo Amituofo” was accomplished upon the perfect completion of these vows and practices. All merit and virtues attained through his great vows and practices are perfectly contained and provided within the Name. Thus, the Name was perfected through Amitabha’s vows and practices. In this respect, the Name is the entity that perfects, while the vows and practices accomplished in the causal ground after 5 eons are the ones that were perfected.
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

Monday, June 20, 2022

June 19, 2022

Jun 19, 2022
A verse stating “only Buddha is pure and relaxed” quoted from ‘In Praise of Dharma Practice’ by Master Shandao

All ninety-five kinds of heterodox teachings spoil the sentient beings in the world.
The Buddhist teaching is the only one that is pure and relaxed.
The aspirations of the Perfectly Enlightened extend boundlessly.
Returning to the burning house to deliver human and celestial beings.


Namo Amituofo!

June 18, 2022

Jun 18, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Classification of Teachings – the Difficult and the Easy Paths
淨宗判教 – 難易二道判

An Amitabha-reciter who follows the Fundamental Vow, no matter if he believes or not, or if he knows it or not, as long as he exclusively recites Amitabha’s Name, he will naturally comply with the Easy Path of practice. Why? It is because it naturally matches Amitabha Buddha’s 18th Vow and Amitabha’s other vows. Amitabha Buddha will respond to him naturally, and he will be embraced by Amitabha’s light and never forsaken; enjoying the immeasurable, boundless, inconceivable merit and virtues of the Name.


Namo Amituofo!

June 17, 2022

Jun 17, 2022
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about “a true Amitabha-reciter” (to urge a common layman)

Those who thoroughly understand all the teachings of all schools can be true Amitabha-reciters. However, those who know nothing and practice no other teachings, but can only speak, can also be true Amitabha-reciters. Apart from these two types, whether a person is true or untrue depends on his effort and his observance of the teaching.

通宗通教之人,方能作真念佛人。而一無所知、一無所能之人,但止 口會說話,亦可為真念佛人。去此兩種,則真不真,皆在自己努力、依教與否耳。

Namo Amituofo!

June 16, 2022

Jun 16, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – the 18th Vow

There are two meanings of “even” in the phrase “even ten times” in the text of the Fundamental Vow:
1. “Even” refers to those who come across the teaching in the present lifetime. They are able to practice name-recitation throughout the remainder of this life.
2. “Even” also refers to those who come across the teaching near the end-of-life, then name-recitation can be practiced as short as ten times, one time, or even one thought.
Simply speaking, those who come across the teaching in the present lifetime should recite Amitabha’s Name throughout the remainder of this life. Those who come across the teaching near the end-of-life can recite Amitabha’s Name for as long as the length of one thought.


Namo Amituofo!

June 15, 2022

Jun 15, 2022
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

A Text Quoted by Taking its Meaning Only
When a patriarch quotes the scriptures, he may not copy it word for word without any addition or omission, because he intends to make it concise and more easily understood. He does this so that the profound meaning of the scriptures can be simply and clearly expressed.
For example, many Pure Land patriarchs quote the 18th Vow by focusing on its meaning, because the meaning of the 18th Vow, if quoted word for word, may not be correctly understood. Through explaining its meaning, people can more clearly understand the scripture. In this case, though people cannot read and understand the scripture, the teaching of the scripture still exists in the present. So, it is the intention of the patriarchs to quote by focusing on the meaning.


Namo Amituofo!

June 14, 2022

June 14, 2022
31 Verses Explaining the Amitabha Sutra from in “Praise of Dharma Practices” by Master Shandao
善導大師《法事讚》 轉《阿彌陀經》31偈語

1. A Verse to Praise the Inauguration of Buddhism
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
The great compassionate mind of all Buddhas is just one, not two.
Their teachings on delivering sentient beings are basically the same, without any differences.
Shakyamuni Buddha left his splendid Invincible Reward Land, and appeared in eight forms in Jambudvipa.
Sometimes he appeared in his true body to benefit sentient beings,
And sometimes he appeared as an assortment of sentient beings, in order to deliver slow-witted ordinary beings.
He split his body in the Six Realms tirelessly,
And transformed according to the karmic circumstances necessary to deliver beings in all kinds of existences.
Beings living all kinds of existences have different views and understandings, as their minds are not the same;
So, there are eight-four thousand kinds of Buddhist teachings to deliver them.
Though each teaching seems different from the others, they are actually not different.
The fundamental difference between all of the teachings is virtually the same.
It is the same because of the original reason for the appearance of the Tathagata;
Yet, It is different because of his compassionate mind.
With his compassionate mind, the Buddha always thinks of his karmic connection with all sentient beings in the Three Realms,
And because the wicked roots of celestial and human beings, and the beings in the other four realms are deep.
All Buddhas in the past, present and future come to this world to deliver them;
However, sentient beings fail to encounter them because of karmic obstructions resulting from ignorance.
We should feel ashamed for not appreciating that Shakyamuni Buddha’s great vow to deliver ordinary beings is weighty,
And he, without forsaking anyone, delivers sentient beings who commit the karmic offenses of the Ten Unwholesome Deeds in the Land of Saha.
It is a rare blessing for us to come across the Buddha’s teaching revealing the Pure Land.
Being freed from the cage of afflictions with the aid of the divine Buddha, our sufferings are ended forever.
Sighing mournfully with sorrow in our hearts,
Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands and always make offerings to the Buddha.

1. 讚教興偈
願往生 願往生
諸佛大悲心無二 方便化門等無殊
捨彼莊嚴無勝土 八相示現出閻浮
或現真形而利物 或同雜類化凡愚
分身六道無停息 變現隨宜度有流
有流見解心非一 故有八萬四千門
門門不同亦非別 別別之門還是同
同故即是如來致 別故復是慈悲心
悲心念念緣三界 人天四趣罪根深
過現諸佛皆來化 無明業障不相逢
慚愧釋迦弘誓重 不捨娑婆十惡業
稀遇道場聞淨土 騰神永逝出煩籠
眾等傷心共悲嘆 手執香華常供養

Namo Amituofo!

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

June 13, 2022

Jun 13, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in the Pure Land

A person may question his ability to be reborn because he believes, “ even though I really aspire for rebirth, I cannot give up worldly matters, and I possess the Five Sensual Desires.”
Actually, this is a natural feeling for ordinary beings, because, if we didn’t have greed, hatred and delusion, we would not have the Five Sensual Desires. In this case, will it affect rebirth in the Land of Bliss? One ought to know: The mind of rebirth-aspiration is hidden at the bottom of our hearts. As long as we have our physical bodies, we must think of our children. So, it is inevitable to have a certain amount of attachment. However, when the time comes, we will naturally let go of everything and only aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss. This is called “selecting one out of two”.

其實這個是自然的凡情,因為,如果我們沒有貪瞋癡,就不會執著,就不會貪著五欲。那這樣會不會影響往生極樂世界?應知那一種願生心,是潛藏在我們心底的, 只不過是肉體還存在的時候,就會掛念兒女......,難免就會有一些執著。可是時間到了,只能二選一的時候,就會完全放下,往生極樂世界。

Namo Amituofo!

June 12, 2022

Jun 12, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in the Pure Land

The root of the Pure Land teaching is the mind of rebirth-aspiration. Without the aspiration for rebirth, no further conversation is possible. For example, with respect to the exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s Name, if you have no aspiration for rebirth, you understand the exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s Name as the objective. This is incorrect.
It is because the aim of name-recitation is to attain rebirth in the Land of Bliss. Though there are benefits in reciting Amitabha’s Name in the present and future lives, the ultimate aim is to attain rebirth in the Land of Bliss.
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

Sunday, June 12, 2022

June 11, 2022

Jun 11, 2022
A verse saying “all knowledge and supernormal powers are replete” quoted from ‘In Praise of Dharma Practice’ by Master Shandao

Go straight within the Dharma assembly of Amitabha
See the immeasurable billions of the Buddha’s splendors.
The Three Varieties of Knowledge and the Six Paranormal Powers are all sufficient.
For me to recollect my companions in the Jambudvipa.


Namo Amituofo!

June 10, 2022

Jun 10, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Classification of Teachings – the Difficult and the Easy Paths
淨宗判教 – 難易二道判

The Pure Land teaching is an Easy Path, all of us can do it. The practitioner is only required to recite Namo Amituofo. There is no need to: contemplate the Buddha’s No-Mark, the Buddha’s Real Mark, seek enlightenment through meditative practices, think of reality before speech, or seek thorough understanding of the nature of mind, in parallel with the Pure Land teaching.
As long as someone wishes to be reborn in the Land of Bliss, and exclusively recites Amitabha’s Name, he knows his rebirth is assured. So, it is an easy, simple, quick, and direct teaching, which can be accomplished in this lifetime.


Namo Amituofo!

June 9, 2022

Jun 9, 2022
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about those “ of great resolve and grand speech” (to urge arrogant people)

Because an intelligent man can usually be of great resolve and use grand speech, he is not willing to rely on the Buddha’s compassionate power; but, he would rather rely on his own power of cultivation. They are happy to let slow-witted couples enter the sacred stream in advance.


Namo Amituofo!

Thursday, June 9, 2022

June 8, 2022

Jun 8, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – the 18th Vow

“Even” is a word of flexibility that includes different kinds of people with different aptitudes. It is similar to “in one day .... in 7 days” as said in the Amitabha Sutra.
“Even ten times” gives us the greatest flexibility, so that anyone can do it. Amitabha Buddha says, “All can be reborn through reciting my Name even ten times.
”No other buddha is more wise or compassionate than Amitabha. After deep meditation for 5 eons, Amitabha formulated his 48 Vows of Infinite Compassion. He then took countless eons to practice and accumulate the immeasurable merit and virtues that he shares with us through recitation of his Name.


Namo Amituofo!

June 7, 2022

Jun 7, 2022
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching
One Body of Aptitude and Teaching
Amitabha Buddha’s Name contains Amitabha Buddha’s light, Amitabha Buddha’s life, and all of Amitabha Buddha’s merit and virtues. On one side, an Amitabha-reciter is always living within Amitabha Buddha’s light. On the other side, Amitabha Buddha’s life is always on the mind of Amitabha-reciters. For these reasons it is explained that aptitude and teaching, in physical and mental merit and virtues, are in one body”.
For those sentient beings who recite Amitabha’s Name, Amitabha Buddha immediately hears them. When they physically bow, Amitabha Buddha knows. When they think of Him, Amitabha Buddha is aware of it. This is known as the threefold karma of “aptitude and teaching in one body”.


Namo Amituofo!

June 6, 2022

Jun 6, 2022
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

One Body of Aptitude and Teaching
“Aptitude” refers to Amitabha-reciters, who are delivered, and “teaching” refers to Amitabha Buddha, who delivers. They combine to form one body, called “one body of aptitude and teaching”.
Amitabha’s destiny of becoming a Buddha and our destiny of attaining rebirth in the Land of Bliss combine to form one body, which forever cannot be separated.
Amitabha’s becoming a Buddha implies our rebirth in the Land of Bliss. Our rebirth in the Land of Bliss implies Amitabha’s becoming a Buddha. This is known as “aptitude and teaching in one body, in terms of rebirth and enlightenment”.
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

June 5, 2022

Jun 5, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in the Pure Land

The Commentary on the Ten Doubts concerning the Pure Land quotes the Commentary on the Great Wisdom of Deliverance and says, “It is impossible for ordinary beings who are completely entangled, to attempt to deliver iniquitous sentient beings in this wretched world with the mind of great compassion. It is similar to a baby that cannot survive without its parents, or to a weak bird that can only be fed.”
In the Commentary, it also says, “A beginner on the Bodhisattva path who has not attained the perseverance of no-birth should always be accompanied by the Buddha.”
This means that a new bodhisattva who has not reached the stage of non-retrogression should always follow the Buddha. Therefore, he must be reborn in the Land of Bliss first, so that he can follow Amitabha Buddha, avoid setbacks, and progress in the bodhisattva practices.


Namo Amituofo!

June 4, 2022

Jun 4, 2022
A verse about “voluntary extinction of ignorance” from ‘In Praise of Dharma Practice’ by Master Shandao

Upon arrival, the flower opens and we join the great assembly.
All kinds of ignorance and afflictions are naturally extinguished.
Three kinds of enlightenment will be naturally possessed with recourse to the Buddha’s vows.
With joined palms, supernatural powers will be attained in a moment.


Namo Amituofo!

Saturday, June 4, 2022

June 3, 2022

Jun 3, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Classification of Teachings – the Difficult and the Easy Paths
淨宗判教 – 難易二道判

Thus, this teaching is called the Easy Path. Apart from Amitabha-recitation, all other teachings are part of the Difficult Path. It is called the “Easy Path” because it lets sentient beings hear this Name, remember and think of it, and exclusively recite the Name. So, it is truly the easiest along the Easy Path.
So, the “easiness” in the Easy Path is very simple, very easy and very secure. Moreover, sentient beings can do it whenever they have the time. That is why the teaching of Amitabha-recitation is praised to be appropriate for “people of upper, medium and lower virtuous roots. Both people of sharp and dull aptitudes are protected and embraced. It enables a thousand out of a thousand people to go to Amitabha’s Pure Land.”

所以易行道的「易」,不只是很簡單、很容易、很穩當,而且是任何眾生,只要機緣成熟,都做得到的。也因為這樣,念佛法門,才被讚歎為「三根普被, 利鈍全收,萬修萬人去」。

Namo Amituofo!

Friday, June 3, 2022

June 2, 2022

Jun 2, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Classification of Teachings – the Difficult and the Easy Paths
淨宗判教 – 難易二道判

The most expedient, the simplest and quickest way to renounce reincarnation, and be reborn to become a Buddha, is to recite Namo Amituofo, which can be done by everyone. It is made available by Amitabha Buddha, introduced by Shakyamuni Buddha, and recommended, extolled, and verified by all Buddhas in the ten directions.
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

June 1, 2022

Jun 1, 2022
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about urging the slow-witted people so as to embrace the sharp-rooted people

In the world, there are slow-witted, narrow minded people who misbehave. They say to themselves: our skill in practice is very basic, and our karmic offenses are deep and heavy, so how can we be reborn in this lifetime?
They do not know that their innate mind-nature is the same as the Buddha’s. Even though they commit the Five Gravest Transgressions and the Ten Unwholesome Deeds, and are on the verge of falling into hell; if they come across a good advisor near their end-of-life, who teaches them to recite Amitabha’s Name, just ten or even a few times, they can be reborn when their life ends.
This is clearly stated in the Contemplation Sutra. How can we not believe this teaching? If even such a slow-witted person is able to attain rebirth, why not me? We might have committed offenses as well as being unskillful in our practice; however, when compared to those who have committed the Five Gravest Transgressions and the Ten Unwholesome Deeds, we who practice Amitabha-recitation are much better off. In this respect, how can we give up [the practice of Amitabha-recitation] and lose the unsurpassed benefit [of rebirth]?

《觀經》所說,何可不信?彼尚往生,況吾人雖有罪業,雖少功夫, 較彼五逆十惡,十聲數聲,當復高超多多矣!何可自暴自棄,以致失此無上利益也。

Namo Amituofo!

May 31, 2022

May 31, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – the 18th Vow

Broadly speaking, Amitabha Buddha made 48 vows. Though each of the 48 vows has its own aim, they all serve the purpose of inspiring sentient beings to admire the joy of the Land of Bliss, and to renounce the sufferings in the Land of Saha, so that they can be reborn in the Land of Bliss through Amitabha-recitation.
Thus, all of the vows are unfolded from “wishing to be reborn in that Land”, as stated in the 18th Vow. Moreover, only if sentient beings can be reborn, Amitabha Buddha can become a Buddha, and Amitabha Buddha can exist.


Namo Amituofo!