Friday, October 30, 2020

October 29 2020

Oct 29, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Truth of Impermanence

Whether it is the Sacred Path or the Pure Land Path, we should take “suffering, emptiness, impermanence, and no-self” as the foundation in studying and practicing Buddhism. If we do not include “suffering, emptiness, impermanence, and no-self”, we will not be studying Buddhism. Though some may think they are studying Buddhism, they have reduced it to a mere philosophy and knowledge.

Namo Amituofo!

October 28 2020

Oct 28, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Encouragement to practice Amitabha-Recitation

A true Buddhist who believes in the Buddha’s teachings, and believes in Amitabha’s great kindness, great compassion, and deliverance; should never have the following wrong thinking: I can commit all the offenses I like because, when I am near my death, I can simply recite Amitabha’s Name to eradicate all of my sins.


Namo Amituofo!

October 27 2020

Oct 27, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

As ordinary beings, Pure Land teaching cannot be understood or imagined through our logical thinking. For that reason, the Amitabha Sutra calls it a difficult-to-believe teaching. When translating a different version of this Sutra, Master Xuanzang says it is a teaching which is extremely difficult to believe. The Infinite Life Sutra also says,
“Upon hearing this teaching, there is nothing more difficult than believing and upholding it joyfully. If one can do this, there is nothing more that needs to be added. As we see, it is the most difficult among all difficult teachings. Therefore, what should we do? We should simply believe, accept, follow, and uphold this teaching through our practice of exclusive Name recitation.

淨土法門實在不是我們凡夫的思惟邏輯可以推論、想像的,所以《阿彌陀經》說淨土是「難信之法」,玄奘法師翻譯的《淨土經》說「極難信法」,《無量壽經》說:「若聞斯經,信樂受持,難中之難,無過此難。」那怎麼辦?我們只有信受奉持, 依教奉行。

Namo Amituofo!

October 26 2020

Oct 26, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - the Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths

A practitioner never blames others, asking such questions as “Oh, why does he treat me this way? Why doesn’t he treat me fairly?” ...
Actually, nothing is unfair. All matters in the world are fair. What we encounter is exactly as it should be. This is because they are present results with past karma as their cause. It is natural to have these effects in retribution. So, we should be delighted upon hearing of virtuous matters, and bow in gratitude upon hearing comments and criticisms from others.


Namo Amituofo!

October 25 2020

Oct 25, 2020
A verse stating ‘Amitabha-recitation is the noblest’ from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’

A myriad of virtues are all dedicated for rebirth,
Yet, the virtues of Amitabha-recitation are the foremost.
The power from assorted virtues is probably too weak to dedicate.
They cannot surpass reciting Amitabha’s Name for one to seven days.


Namo Amituofo!

October 24 2020

Oct 24, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Amitabha Sutra

Amitabha Buddha is infinite life, and those who are reborn there, or will be reborn there are also infinite life. The Amitabha Sutra says, “The lifespans of that Buddha and the citizens of his Pure Land are boundless and immeasurable.” This only seems to refer to those living in the Land of Bliss; however, it also includes those who will be reborn there.
This is because those reborn there will not receive a physical body for another life in the Six Realms. As they are assured of rebirth in the Land of Bliss at present, they have already attained the status of infinite life.


Namo Amituofo!

Saturday, October 24, 2020

October 23 2020

Oct 23, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - the Buddha’s Enlightening Mottos

Without great wisdom, one will not choose Amitabha-recitation; without great blessings, how could we encounter the teaching of Amitabha-recitation? So, rebirth through Amitabha-recitation is not only born from great blessings, but also great wisdom.


Namo Amituofo!

October 22 2020

Oct 22, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Encouraging the practice of Amitabha-Recitation

We need to be ordinary, normal, steady, and plain in learning Pure Land teachings. Avoid anything which is mysterious and unusual. If you like mysterious, profound and unusual things, you may slight our teaching, then you may get lost. You think our teaching is not profound, sophisticated or unusual, just normal and plain. Actually, the real greatness of the Pure Land teaching is within its ordinariness, the real profundity is within its normalcy, and the real splendor is within its steadiness.


Namo Amituofo!

October 21 2020

Oct 21, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

The doctrines of the Pure Land teaching can be profound and can be simple, can be enormous and can be little; but, with respect to practice, it is only Amitabha’s Name, i.e. exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s Name. That is why these teachings are known as the Easy Path.
Though this teaching is easy in practice, it is difficult to believe. In the Amitabha Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha tells us in advance, “To share this difficult-to-believe teaching with the people in this world is extremely difficult.” It is a teaching that is extremely difficult to believe and extremely difficult to verbalize. It is because, if you do not speak properly, people may misunderstand it.
The reason why it is difficult to believe is because it is an Easy Path, very easy in practice. Everybody can do it, and everybody can be delivered. At the same time, it is truly splendid, because rebirth is assured and becoming a Buddha occurs quickly. As it is extremely simple and extremely easy, really sudden and really round, those who hear this teaching for the first time may be astonished. With their mouths wide open they say, “What?! How can that be?” Thus, the Pure Land teaching is difficult to believe and difficult to accept.

淨土法門在教理上固然可深可淺、可多可少,但在行持上就是一句彌陀佛號, 亦即「專稱彌陀佛名」,所以我們這個法門是易行道。

Namo Amituofo!

October 20 2020

Oct 20, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths

In an organization, if you find your relationship with others is not good, and feel left out, you shouldn’t blame or criticize others. Why? It is like a mirror’s reflection showing us the reality of ourselves. The image is not deliberately produced; but, provides us an important opportunity for us to review our actions and look deeply at ourselves.
At the same time, we have to think positively in all matters. Don’t think in negative ways in any situation. If we think positively, it will produce a positive effect in response. If we think negatively under any circumstance, it will produce a negative effect in response.

如果在群體當中,覺得自己沒有人緣,好像別人都冷落自己,這樣就要檢討自己,不要去指責或批評別人。為什麼?這個就是以鏡為鑒的理論, 眼前鏡子所顯現的都是自己如實的相貌,不是鏡子故意產生的。所以反觀自省很重要。
同時,凡事要往正面去想,不要往負面想。不管事情怎樣, 都要往正面想, 這樣就會帶來正面的效應。如果動不動就往負面想,即使是正面的,也會帶來負面的效應。

Namo Amituofo!

October 19 2020

Oct 19, 2020
A verse stating ‘not better than exclusive' recitation’ from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’

All virtuous karma is dedicated to benefit the aspiration to rebirth,

But none is better than exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s Name.

Always repent with every single name-recitation,

Because Amitabha will remember the person who recites his Name.


Namo Amituofo!

October 18 2020

Oct 18, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Amitabha Sutra

What is meant by “hearing Amitabha Buddha”? “Hearing Amitabha Buddha”, of course, means hearing of Amitabha’s great kindness and compassion. He cannot bear for sentient beings to suffer. Amitabha Buddha only needs our consent to deliver us to his Pure Land. When he made his 48 great vows in the distant past, he promised to deliver us pro-actively with his great kindness and compassion. Included in his vows and practices are all the virtues necessary to form his Land of Bliss. He has also completed his vows and practices to form the Land of Bliss, and all merit and virtues necessary for our rebirth from the Land of Saha to the Land of Bliss.
Because we hear Amitabha Buddha’s story of achieving Buddhahood from the beginning to the end, faith arises in us and we accept Amitabha’s deliverance, Without this, how could we believe in and accept Amitabha Buddha’s deliverance?


Namo Amituofo!

October 17 2020

Oct 17, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - the Buddha’s Enlightening Mottos

Since we can study Buddhist teachings in this lifetime, we should choose the teaching that can liberate us in this lifetime. Let us first aim to be reborn in the Land of Bliss and leave all matters until later.. Actually, the Land of Bliss is a realm where we will naturally become buddhas and enjoy its rewards. It is not a place for further studies and practices. So, our teaching is easy in practice, and splendid in rewards.
Why is it splendid? It is splendid because rebirth can be achieved in this life, and rebirth enables us to become a Buddha.

所以,今生今世既然學佛,就必須把握今生今世可以解脫的法門,也就是先往生極樂世界再說。其實極樂世界是成佛的境界, 是享受果報的,不是到那裏又再學習、再修行,所以這個法門既容易、又殊勝,殊勝在哪裏呢?殊勝在能當生成就,而且往生能夠當生成佛。

Namo Amituofo!

October 16 2020

Oct 16, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - the Buddha’s Enlightening Mottos

It is not easy to be born as a human being, to be able to hear the Buddhist teachings, and practice accordingly. However, if he cannot find a teaching that enables him to reach enlightenment in this lifetime among all of the teachings, won’t it just mean that he only makes a karmic connection with the Buddhist teachings, and has to reincarnate again? Well, this is a very dangerous way of thinking.
Why? Because who can guarantee that a person will become a human being in his next life? Even he does become a human being, who can guarantee he will once again hear the Buddhist teachings? If he is lucky enough to hear the Buddhist teachings, who can guarantee which future life it will be in?
So, Master Yinguang says, “If the matter of birth-and-death is not resolved, it is very dangerous.” If a person cannot leave reincarnation, he will inevitably fall into the wretched realms. Thus, we see how important it is that we work hard to resolve the matter of birth-and-death.
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

October 15 2020

Oct 15, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Encouraging the practice of Amitabha-Recitation

Actually, as their minds are impermanent, whatever they perceive will eventually return to normal; but, some people still like to have special experiences before they return to the ordinary, plain and simple Amitabha-recitation. Some practitioners and lotus friends may hold this dangerous concept in mind. Why is it considered dangerous?Because it probably will happen only once and and never return. Thus, it is very dangerous to become attached to these fleeting manifestations.

其實再怎麼樣,我們的心是無常的,最後也會歸回平靜,可是還是想去歷練一番,然後再回歸平凡、平常、平淡、平實的念佛。有的同修蓮友或許存著這種心, 但這是一種危險的觀念。為什麼?因為恐怕一去不回,結果萬劫不復,所以是很危險的。

Namo Amituofo!

October 14 2020

Oct 14, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Encouraging the practice of Amitabha-Recitation

Some people constantly ask Amitabha Buddha to appear in their dreams, or show him his shadow during seated meditation, or even have a dialogue. They hope Amitabha Buddha can give them a special feeling, response, inspiration, etc., so that they can feel unique, or the only proud son of Amitabha Buddha, or even give them a paranormal power to fulfill their curiosity.
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

October 13 2020

Oct 13, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

In the Infinite Life Sutra, it says, “Such a person respectfully and humbly upholds and practices upon hearing, and rejoices so greatly as to dance. Arrogant, corrupt and indolent people cannot readily accept this teaching. “
“Respectfully and humbly upholds and practices upon hearing” encourages vigor. If a person doubts, and does not believe, he will be lazy in his practice. Why? It is because he is arrogant. If he practices various merits and virtues with arrogance, he is regarded as indolent and lacking vigor in this Pure Land teaching.


Namo Amituofo!

October 12 2020

Oct 12, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths

Regardless whether they are monastics or householders, Buddhists must keep humility in mind. Our practice is “being humble and respectful upon hearing the teachings”. Regarding Amitabha’s merit and virtues, it is better for us to keep respect, faith and obedience in mind. In this way, we can always attain blessings, and do not commit the offense of slandering the Dharma.


Namo Amituofo!

Monday, October 12, 2020

October 11 2020

Oct 11, 2020
A verse stating ‘Amitabha-recitation is unsurpassed’ from ‘In Praise of Dharma Practice’

The Tathagata appears in the world of Five Kinds of Turbidity,
Using various expedient means to teach all ordinary beings according to their aptitude and capacity.
He sometimes offers extensive teachings in order to deliver them.
He sometimes gives us his precise interpretation so we may realize the three kinds of paranormal powers.
He sometimes teaches about wisdom and compassion, so as to eradicate our obstructions.
He sometimes teaches sitting meditation, to perceive and contemplate.
All the teachings can lead us to emancipation,
However, none of them is better than the teaching of rebirth in the West through Amitabha-recitation,
For one’s whole life at maximum, or just three to ten times as the minimum.
So that Amitabha Buddha appears, to welcome us as we near death.
It is simply because Amitabha’s vows are so powerful and all encompassing
That they enable ordinary beings to attain rebirth immediately through Amitabha-recitation.

或說多聞而得度, 或說少解證三明;
或教福慧雙除障, 或教禪念坐思量;
種種法門皆解脫, 無過念佛往西方;
上盡一形至十念, 三念五念佛來迎;
直為彌陀弘誓重, 致使凡夫念即生。

Namo Amituofo!

October 10 2020

Oct 10, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Amitabha Sutra


The so-called “good man and good woman” includes monastics and householders, kind and evil people, and all sentient beings born in the Four Modes within the Six Realms. As long as they hear Amitabha Buddha’s Name and exclusively recite it, they are known as “a good man and good woman”.


Namo Amituofo!

October 9 2020

Oct 9, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - the Buddha’s Enlightening Mottos


Once born in the world, we are sentenced to death. The date of death is not fixed, as we don’t know when it will come. However, it can come at any time; so, we should prepare for our final moment and aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss. Then it doesn’t matter when death comes. Even if it comes all of a sudden, we can still be reborn in the Land of Bliss.

We need not wait until the day we die, and then ask people for assisted recitation for transcendental deliverance. We can prepare right now.



Namo Amituofo!

October 8 2020

Oct 8, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Encouraging the practice of Amitabha-Recitation


Though responses are the phenomena of cause and effect, Buddhism does not take responses to be the aim. Based on the responses, we know that what the Buddha teaches is true. From this, our faith is strengthened, we aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss, and exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name.

“Taking response as the aim” means, “we believe only if there is a response”. If people don’t know the Buddha’s teachings, they will not know what is right and what is wrong, they may do foolish things, or join a cult. While they seek for ascending, they may actually retrogress. So, we shouldn’t attach to particular responses and weigh the value of our practice based on that.



Namo Amituofo!

October 7 2020

Oct 7, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism


Rebirth is not to escape to the Land of Bliss, and it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t enjoy our lives. After we are reborn in the Land of Bliss, our minds will be fully opened, all of our vexations and karmic obstructions are immediately cleared, and our wisdom and compassion become the same as Amitabha’s. Thus, the present Amitabha-reciter is the future Buddha.


Namo Amituofo!

October 6 2020

Oct 6, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths



“Respect” is also part of determinant faith. Amitabha Buddha has accomplished his 48 vows; so, he has the full capacity to deliver sentient beings in the ten directions.

As long as we don’t doubt Amitabha Buddha and don’t worry about relying on his vow power, we are assured of rebirth in the present and attaining rebirth immediately upon our passing.


Namo Amituofo!

October 5 2020

Oct 5, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths


“Humility” is determinant deep faith - We are iniquitous, ordinary beings subject to endless rebirth. Since time immemorial, we have died and been reincarnated, without any causal conditions to leave the cycle of rebirth. So, we were iniquitous in the past, we are at present, and will be in future, We have no way to escape reincarnation within the Six Realms through our own power. Understanding these truths should give us a sense of humility and inferiority.

Actually, we don’t need to cultivate humility, because it is a matter of fact that we are iniquitous ordinary beings. Humility usually refers to virtuous conduct by those in a superior position. However, we have never been in that position or possessed that level of virtue.

(to be continued tomorrow)

「謙」就是,決定深信我們現在是個罪惡生死凡夫,曠劫以來是常沒常流轉, 未來世也是無有出離之緣,所以過去、現在、未來三世都是罪惡的,都是沒辦法脫離六道輪迴的,要有這種謙卑的罪惡觀。


Namo Amituofo!

October 4 2020

Oct 4, 2020

A verse about ‘seeking only Amitabha-reciters’ from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’


Each of the light beams illuminates continuously, only seeking and illuminating those who recite Amitabha’s Name for rebirth. If you wish to compare it with all other Buddha-lands in the ten directions, the Land of Bliss is actually the best for final settlement.





Namo Amituofo!

October 3 2020

Oct 3, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Amitabha Sutra


The Amitabha Sutra explains in great detail about the function of rebirth through holding the Name. It explains this through the following:

1. Accumulating abundant virtuous roots and meritorious blessings – holding fast to the Name provides abundant virtuous roots and meritorious blessings.

2. Main cause of rebirth - holding fast to the Name

3. Appearance of the Buddha near the end-of-life – By holding fast to the Name, one is welcomed by the Buddha

4. Sincerely witnessed by all buddhas – By holding fast to the Name, all buddhas in the six directions will sincerely witness, confirm and approve.

5. Realized by Shakyamuni Buddha – This Name is Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi realized by Shakyamuni Buddha in the Saha World.

6. Original intent of Shakyamuni Buddha - holding fast to the Name is the original intent of Shakyamuni Buddha.








Namo Amituofo!

October 2 2020

Oct 2, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings- the Buddha’s Enlightening Mottos



Faith is the light of our spirits illuminating the way of our lives. Those who have no faith are like people walking in darkness. They don’t know where to go, have no destination, and no direction. They don’t know where they come from, and where they will go after death.

They don’t know the purpose of life, and don’t know the location of their final settlement – a place of joy and peace for all eternity.

In this respect, though they live for an entire life, they have just wandered aimlessly and wasted their time. In the end, they will reincarnate according to their karma. As we have learned, faith is of the utmost importance in our lives!



Namo Amituofo!

October 1 2020

Oct 1, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings- the Buddha’s Enlightening Mottos


Faith is to believe a theology that is most important in our lives. Its importance even transcends the value of our lives. We live for this faith. We will sacrifice for our faith if necessary, because it is worth far more than our daily mundane living. It is like the celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, and stars shining upon us. We believe in them when we look up. This is known as faith.

(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

September 30 2020

Sep 30, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings- Encouraging the practice of Amitabha-Recitation


When reciting a sutra, we use our mouths. Reciting Amitabha’s Name is equivalent to reciting the sutras with our entire bodies and minds, and even our lives.


Namo Amituofo!

September 29 2020

Sep 29, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism



They think the purpose of hearing and learning Buddhism is achieving that “one thought”, and the purpose of life is also that “one thought”, nothing else. They attach to the deviant extreme view of “one thought” and abandon “even” in name-recitation (as stated in the 18th Vow). We follow Master Shandao, who recommends that we recite 30,000 times a day as our standard. In this way, the deviant view of “one thought” can be automatically eliminated.


Namo Amituofo!