Sunday, December 31, 2017

Dec 31 2017

Dec 31, 2017
The Lotus Sutra, another sutra that focuses on the complete and immediate way to attain Buddhahood, also says, “All beings can achieve the Buddhist Way if they recite Namo Buddha once.” In its discourse, the sutra talks about the process of cultivation of Amitabha Buddha on the causal ground. So, this remark is also related to Amitabha Buddha.
Besides, the Suramgama Sutra that aims at enlightenment also contains a chapter entitled the “Chapter of Perfect Paranormal Power through Buddha-invocation by Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta”. It explains that one can see the Buddha and achieve Buddhahood at present and in future through recollection and recitation of the Buddha. It also introduces Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta who has achieved anutpattika-dharma-ksanti (the enlightenment that is cognizant of complete non-arising) with the Buddha-invocation mind, and he is still active at present in the worlds of the ten directions to embrace and direct those Amitabha-reciters to be reborn in the Pure Land. It is clear that this sutra is also related to Amitabha and the Land of Bliss.
(continued tomorrow)
Namo Amitabha!

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Dec 30

Dec 30, 2017
There are over 200 Buddhist scriptures mentioning Amitabha Buddha and his Pure Land in the West. Within these 200 plus scriptures, Shakyamuni Buddha mentions about Amitabha Buddha and the Land of Bliss to some extent.
Take the king of all sutras—Avatamsaka Sutra for example: what is the ultimate goal of its teaching? It points to rebirth in the Land of Bliss. So, in the final section of the Avatamsaka Sutra, Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, with the Ten Great Vows, leads all bodhisattvas of dharma body who have attended the Avatamsaka assembly to dedicate and aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss. Therefore, the Avatamsake Sutra is closely related to Amitabha Buddha and his Pure Land.
(continued tomorrow)
Namo Amitabha!

Friday, December 29, 2017

Dec 29

Dec 29, 2017
All Pure Land practitioners should have a right understanding: The main cause of rebirth is “always exclusively recite Amitabha’s name”, and all others are not the main cause, not the practice specified in the Fundamental Vow, and hence not related to Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow. That is to say, as far as rebirth is concerned, apart from Amitabha-recitation, the roots of virtues and blessed merits of all other practices are too few [for attainment rebirth].
Having said that, it doesn’t means that a true Buddhist should not slight or look down upon the Six Paramitas with a myriad of virtues. We should do whatever we can do to fulfill our duties and responsibilities. We talk about here “abundant” or “few” virtues only in the context of discussion about the main cause and the unrelated causes of rebirth. Don’t confuse and mix up.
Namo Amitabha!

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Dec 28

Dec 28, 2017
A Buddhist should be modest and amiable, so the Worldly Truths say: In our deportment, we should be modest and amiable. When people talk to us and do something for us, we should say, “yes, yes; sure, sure”. Try to avoid negative thinking, and taking an offensive attitude against them in consideration.
Humility and submissiveness is important to a practitioner, particularly in Buddhism, particularly the words spoken by the teachers. We must say immediately, “Yes, yes; sure’ sure; yes!” Don’t judge with secular thinking, and think that we are right, and the teachers’ words do not match with our thinking. It is not the right attitude that a Buddhist should have.
Namo Amitabha!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Dec 27

Dec 27, 2017
(continued tomorrow)
Confucius says, “A word may divulge one’s wisdom or one’s ignorance.” Listening to the words he talks, you will know whether he understands or not, and whether he correctly grasps the knowledge or not. In the phrase “develop close ties to fellow practitioners”, we are not talking about ties to ordinary human relations, but ties to teachings concerning “the way to rebirth”, which fall into the arena of the ultimate truth, not the worldly truth or the way of life. “Ties” here has a meaning similar to “reliance and dependence”: to depend on a place (or a person, an event, a location, or a physical object) with virtuous deeds, and do not leave. It is also known as “to depend and rest upon”.
Namo Amitabha!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Dec 26

Dec 26, 2017
“Develop close ties to fellow practitioners: We should interact closely with like-minded practitioners to study and discuss the Dharma. As for those who follow a different path, we should keep our distance, lest we are distracted from our own practice.” This tenet can be said have completely followed and inherited Master Shandao’s spirit in establishing the Pure Land school and teachings, which also shows our characteristics. This few sentences are based on the ideas and writings of Master Shandao, and is equivalent to the words of the master. This is a matter of vital importance to our practitioners’ sectarian life and reality body, which cannot be obscured, heedless, and compromised. At the same time, such an assertion is really a manifestation of compassion and wisdom, for it can firmly keep the path of our school broad and flat.
(continued tomorrow)
Namo Amitabha!

Monday, December 25, 2017

Dec 25

Dec 25, 2017
We are ordinary beings who are supposed to meet King Yama and receive his judgement [when we die]. However, because we now recite Amitabha’s name, we become friends of the two Great Bodhisattvas of Equal Enlightenment—that means Amitabha Buddha comes to join us as an inseparable companion. It is very splendid, too rare, unusual, and honorable.
Namo Amitabha!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Dec 24

Dec 24, 2017
At work, we can recite with a distracted mind, and don’t need to count the number, and counting is not possible too. While walking, we can also recite by moving lips. At that time, to count or not to count depends on individual preference, and there is no requirement or restriction at all. The way is flexible to suit our aptitude and the environment. If we can understand the principle, recitation of Amitabha’s name is free and easy, lively and joyfully.
Having said that, the practice varies from person to person. If one plans to practice walking-recitation for half an hour, he can count ten instead of holding prayer beads. Don’t bother about the number of recitation, just stop reciting when the time is up, and then move on with other business.
If we wish to motivate ourselves to recite more, and prevent ourselves from being slothful or slackening, we can set a target number for a day, say 20,000, 10,000 or a few thousands, and use the prayer beads as an aid for counting. By doing so, the prayer beads help us to control our slackening mind.
不過這也因人而異,如果預計要經行半個鐘頭,不拿念珠也可以, 可以十念記數,不管念佛數目,時間到了就去做該做的事;如果為了策勵自己,雖然時間有限,但怕會懈怠,那就固定數目,固定一天兩萬、一萬或幾千,就可以藉由念珠來數,等於這條念珠也能夠約束自己懈怠的心。
Namo Amitabha!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Dec 23

Dec 23, 2017
People of all walks of life can practice Amitabha-recitation at any time in any place. There is no rule or taboo in the practice of Amitabha-recitation in terms of recitation places. With respect to the state of mind, when we sit and recite, holding prayer beads is not necessary; instead, we can count ten. Counting ten during recitation has no restriction too; it serves to keep our mind calm. After counting from one to ten, we can start over again. Don’t continue counting further to twenty or thirty. That may become a mental burden.
(to be continued tomorrow)
Namo Amitabha!

Friday, December 22, 2017

Dec 22

Dec 22, 2017
Why does Amitabha Buddha specify name-recitation [as the practice], and not other practices in his Fundamental Vow? Master Honen had a precise and concise explanation in Chapter 3 “The Fundamental Vow” of his book The Collection of Selection.
For the embrace and deliverance of all sentient beings based on equality and compassion, Bhiksu Dharmakara, the former body of Amitabha Buddha, did not consider any other practice, but merely name-recitation in his Fundamental Vow.
It is because of “equality and compassion”, as well as “embrace and deliverance to all”. So, irrespective of one’s status as a householder or monastic, a member of the elite or the illiterate, a man or woman, the elderly or the youth, the rich or the poor, the superior or the inferior, all can be equally reborn in the reward land and enjoy the same immeasurable life and light, if they always exclusively recite Amitabha’s name.

Namo Amitabha!

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Dec 21

Dec 21, 2017
The same approach is used in the Contemplation Sutra. He does not start with this teaching [of Amitabha-recitation], but the 13 contemplations in the meditative virtues, and then goes on with the Three Meritorious Deeds and the Nine Levels of Rebirth. Only in the final section he speaks of this teaching [of Amitabha-recitation].
The sutra that entirely devotes to this teaching is the Amitabha Sutra. Among the three Pure Land sutras, the Amitabha Sutra can be regarded as the conclusive one. The Amitabha Sutra does not talk about the Three Meritorious Deeds and the Nine Levels of Rebirth, not about the 13 contemplations in the meditative virtues, not about the Three Learnings and a myriad practices of the Six Paramitas,; it talks only about holding fast Amitabha’s name, and the Three States of Mind and Name-Recitation of the Eighteenth Vow.
Namo Amitabha!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Dec 20

Dec 20, 2017
From the perspective of the self-power teaching, the nine levels [of rebirth in the Contemplation Sutra] are interconnected and can be expanded to infinite levels. However, based on Amitabha’s deliverance, the infinite levels can be grouped into one level only, and the infinite kinds of aptitude can also be grouped into just one – the kind of aptitude that has no chance to leave [the cycle of reincarnation].
Why did Shakyamuni Buddha not talk about this teaching [of Amitabha’s deliverance] in the very beginning? The reason lies at his approach of teaching that is conducive to learning by people of various aptitudes: to teach in accordance with their aptitudes. If Shakyamuni Buddha starts with this teaching, people may have difficulty in believing and accepting it. So, he needs to tone up the aptitudes of various people first, and then wait for the ripened conditions appropriate for him to talk about this teaching.
(continued tomorrow)
Namo Amitabha!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Dec 19

Dec 19, 2017
Pure Land teaching puts emphasis only on the single-minded practice in Amitabha-recitation, and not on a myriad of practices in the Six Paramitas.  However, those who understand the principle of single-minded practice in Amitabha-recitation will naturally behave like the practitioners of a myriad of practices in the Six Paramitas.
Namo Amitabha!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Dec 18

Dec 18, 2017
Be reverential and trusting towards Amitabha Buddha, and compassionate and understanding to other people. In our deportment, we should be modest and amiable.
We should think and realize the above as much as possible. If we can practice it, there will have basically no argument, be harmonious, be joyous, then it can reach a state of purity.

Namo Amitabha!

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Dec 17

Dec 17, 2017
Because believing in absolute other-power, therefore we exclusively recite Amitabha’s name. Name-recitation as such is performed at the level of absolute reality, not animitta (formlessness, nothingness), not to mention contemplation of a Buddhist image. So, we just exclusively recite Amitabha’s name without resort to any other expedient means.
Moreover, in this Saha world and at this time of degeneration and extinction of the Dharma, ignorant people with great curiosity are easily attracted by some Dharma teachers whose knowledge and views are incorrect but are eager to corroborate other practitioner’s here and there. Learners of our school can easily get lost at divergent points if they cannot stick to the tenets of “don’t esteem the mystical and fantastic, do cherish the plain and solid” and “don’t revere profundities, do appreciate what is ordinary”.
Insisting on these tenets is not easy because some people do prefer profundities and are fond of mysterious matters. If they have not accomplished a good understanding of the teachings, or have not gone through a variety of exploratory experiences and become completely aware of the fact that their own power is too little [for achievement of Nirvana], they will withdraw from our school and turn to other paths.
Namo Amitabha!

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Dec 16

Dec 16, 2017
Our school believes not only in other-power, but total other-power, absolute other-power. Even persons of superior capability and the quick-witted, who are able to broadly practice the Six Paramitas and myriad virtuous deeds, bow their head in front of Amitabha Buddha. They refrain from dedication of the Six Paramitas and myriad virtuous deeds, and take the meritorious virtues of Amitabha as their own.  They identify themselves with Him, giving up their own efforts and taking refuge in Him.  It just like the light of an electric bulb, once exposed under the sun, looks dim and weak. The luminance of the most powerful light bulb will never be brighter than the sun’s. Moreover, being under the sun, such luminance of the light bulb is unnecessary.
(continued tomorrow)
Namo Amitabha!

Friday, December 15, 2017

Dec 15

Dec 15, 2017
We really cannot bear the karma of everlasting reincarnation of birth-and-death within the Six Realms, without any chance to get away. However, if this karmic hindrance is taken over and borne by Amitabha Buddha, it can be easily handled: he can help us to be reborn in the Land of Bliss in the present life.
It doesn’t mean that we will be reborn within a short period of time as we aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss and exclusively recite Amitabha’s name. It is not like this. On the contrary, if we recite Amitabha’s name exclusively, we shall certainly receive more blessings and enjoy a longer life. When the time comes, we will be reborn immediately. If the time does not come yet, we will continue to enjoy the present life under the protection and embrace of Amitabha Buddha.
Namo Amitabha!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Dec 14

Dec 14, 2017
Why do we close our eyes when we recite Amitabha’s name in the Buddhist center? When we practice Amitabha-recitation together, there may be people come and go, and closing our eyes is a simple solution for such a situation.
If we feel dizzy when eyes are closed during Amitabha-recitation, we can open our eyes. If we easily have false thoughts come up in mind, keep our eyes closed. If you feel heat arising in your body and the head agitated and itchy, open the eyes slightly, not completely closed. As you have closed your eyes for a long time, our body temperature will increase, and energy goes up. We should pay attention to this.
However, there is no fixed rule that must follow strictly [in Amitabha-recitation practice]. Under certain circumstance, we can make adjustment whenever necessary. If we recite Amitabha’s name alone, we need not close our eyes, but open them in 30% to 50% with face down, then we concentrate in reciting without any other thoughts.
Namo Amitabha!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Dec 13

Dec 13, 2017
The Amitabha Sutra says, “Listening to [the Buddha speaking of] Amitabha”. The aim of “listening to [the Buddha speaking of] Amitabha” is to allow us to believe and accept the teaching of Amitabha’s deliverance, and exclusively recite Amitabha’s name.
That is why Master Honen says, “if you do not believe upon listening, you have not listened [to what was said]; if you do not recite [Amitabha’s name] upon believing, you have not believed [in Amitabha’s deliverance]. So, we should always recite Amitabha’s name.”
You have heard of the teaching, but you do not believe; it is the same as you have not heard of it. You say you believe this teaching, but you do not recite “Namo Amituofo” single-mindedly and exclusively; it is the same as you have not believed it. After all, we should recite “Namo Amituofo” single-mindedly and exclusively.
所以法然上人說:「聞而不信如不聞,信而不稱如不信,故應常稱彌陀名」。雖然聽聞了這個法, 但是不相信,等於沒聽到;雖然相信這個法,但是未一心專念南無阿彌陀佛,這樣等於沒有相信,所以最後還是應一心專念南無阿彌陀佛。
Namo Amitabha!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Dec 12

Dec 12, 2017
Nevertheless, “evidence by facts” is even more important than “evidence by sutras” and “evidence by commentaries”. For instance, in regard to the matter of assured rebirth in the Land of Bliss through Amitabha-recitation, we already have the  “evidence by sutras” and the “evidence by commentaries”. A question remains: Is there any people really reborn in the Land of Bliss? If there is none, it lacks of evidence by facts. How can people believe?
If there are factual evidences—i.e., there are people reborn in the Land of Bliss through Amitabha-recitation, and there are many of them since antiquity, at home and abroad, it can demonstrate that the factual evidences are sufficient to prove that the sutras and the commentaries are true with no mistake. Will this inspire us to strengthen our faith on a solid ground?
Namo Amitabha!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Dec 11

Dec 11, 2017
“Evidence by scriptures” refers to sutras [spoken by the Buddha] and commentaries explained by patriarchs. These scriptures form the bases of our teaching, without which it is just an empty talk. Nowadays, there are many new religious beliefs, of which the teachings are invented by respective founders, without any reference to scriptures of the Buddhist sutras and the patriarchs’ commentaries. So, “evidence by scriptures” is the primary source or root [of our teachings].
The principles and reasoning spoken in the sutras are “evidence by commentaries”.  These commentaries, of course, have to follow the tradition passed on by patriarchs of the school’s linage, because we may not be able to understand the principles and reasoning in the sutras. We have to rely on explanations made by the patriarchs. This is the meaning of “evidence by commentaries”.
(continued tomorrow)
Namo Amitabha!

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Dec 10

Dec 10, 2017
We need to focus and go deep in any one of the teachings [in Buddhism]. If we do not focus and go deep in only one teaching, it is impossible for us to achieve any result, particularly for the Sagely Path (as it is a difficult path), otherwise we cannot achieve any result. It is the same for the Pure Land Path though it is regarded as the easy path.
The characteristic of Pure Land Path is easiness. It is easy because it can be accomplished in this lifetime, and perfectly completed in present life. It is because Pure Land teaching is exclusive and specialized without any assorted and mixed practices. If there has no specialization or exclusivity in Pure Land Buddhism, this teaching will lose its characteristics of ‘easiness’ and splendor’.
Simply speaking, a person who has faith in the Pure Land teaching must keep to be ‘exclusive’ in practicing in order to manage the essence of pristine Pure Land Buddhism.
Namo Amitabha!

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Dec 9

Dec 9, 2017
For respect, it means humility and modesty internally;it also means politeness and reverend in appearance. Being a Buddhist, the word “respect” is very important to us. It is said that we pursue the Buddhist teachings with respect. With one part of respect, we attain one part of benefit. With ten parts of respect, we attain ten parts of benefit.

Namo Amitabha!

Friday, December 8, 2017

Dec 8

Dec 8, 2017
Faith is very important to us, even more than our life. Keeping the faith, the person will devote and integrate his whole body, mind and spirit, as well as his daily life to the faith. The most concerned interests in his life are all related to the faith, and he will talk about his faith all the time.
If people follow different faiths, can they get along well? No. Definitely they can’t. The Christian Bible says, “Do not be mismated with unbelievers.” (2 Cor 6:14) Confucian says, “People of different moral convictions cannot get along.” So, keep a distance from those who follow a different path. In foreign countries, missionaries being sent to extend their faith are all formally trained teachers; otherwise, they will not easily start their overseas missionary work, because persuading unbelievers is by no means an easy task.  Clearly, it is not easy to teach common people, not to mention people of other faith. To provide guidance for them will be even more difficult. It will be laudable if one is immune from other faiths encountered.
Namo Amitabha!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Dec 7

Dec 7, 2017
No matter in what way we recite Amitabha’s name, it is regarded to be an easy practice, not an ascetic practice. Why? It is because we must have a thought in our mind, and we simply ‘turn around’ or switch our thought to ‘Namo Amituofo’.
Our thoughts are always related to afflictions and emotions, which are contaminated and depressed resulted from our karmic offenses. Now, we change it to Amitabha-invocation. Amitabha’s name itself is in the state of nirvana, pure and virtuous.
So, we merely switch over our confused thoughts to this Name. By always reciting this Name, we feel easy and relaxed. Moreover, as we are connected with the Buddha’s realm [through Amitabha-recitation], we are naturally blessed and relieved from any misfortune.
何況我們平常的心念都是煩惱的念頭,都是情緒的念頭,這 一些念頭是污穢的,是苦惱的,是跟業障相感應的,現在我們把它轉為念佛,這句佛號的本身是涅槃的、是清淨的,是功德的。
Namo Amitabha!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Dec 6

Dec 6, 2017
Start a day with Amitabha-recitation in our daily life. If we can do that, we are certainly embraced by Amitabha’s light whatever we do and wherever we are during the day. We must be safe and peaceful. Everything goes on smoothly.
There is no taboo in the Buddhist teachings. We can recite this Name – Namo Amituofo in the Buddhist hall, in living room, or even in washroom. We can recite in an unclean place; it makes this place clean. We can recite in an unlucky place; it brings fortunes to this place. Wherever, whenever and whatever we do, we can and we should recite Amitabha’s name under any circumstance.
Namo Amitabha!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Dec 5

Dec 5, 2017
Though we may have virtuous practices apart from Amitabha-recitation, such as filial love to parents, serving teachers, being sincere and scrupulous in human relationships, getting rid of evil and practicing good, and other worldly virtues, or even practicing meditative virtues, it does not increase the chance of attaining rebirth [in the Land of Bliss]. So, we do not rely on, and not to dedicate all these virtues because the great name of a myriad of virtues is wholly sufficient to enable us to be reborn there.
So, it is fine to follow our capacity and aptitude in reciting this Name – Namo Amituofo [for rebirth]. Don’t rely on any virtuous practice other than Amitabha-recitation.
雖然念佛以外我們有其他功行,比如孝順父母、 奉事師長、敦倫盡分,去惡行善等世間善的功德,或者修其他禪定功夫,但這對往生來講沒有增加,我們不靠這個,也不迴向這個,因為往生功能,萬德洪名完全具足。
Namo Amitabha!

Monday, December 4, 2017

Dec 4

Dec 4, 2017
Besides, we have to follow the teachings passed down by the patriarchs of our sect’s lineage. Because the Buddha is a man of great wisdom, and his words cannot be fully understood by ordinary beings like us. Even we read some sentences in the sutras first-hand, we may or may not understand its meanings—could be right, or could be wrong or distorted. So, it is better to study the sutras in accordance with the explanations of the patriarchs of our sect’s lineage so as to avoid misunderstandings.
Apart from following the sutras and following the commentaries and interpretations of our patriarchs, we also observe evidences and facts. Both the theories spoken by the Buddha and the interpretations made by patriarchs are correct; but how to proof that the theories are factual truth? This requires evidences, including evidence by sutras, evidence by commentaries, and evidence by facts.
Namo Amitabha!

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Dec 3

Dec 3, 2017
Our learning and practice of the Pure Land teaching is based on a theoretical ground, and the most important part is the sutras that are surely the words told by the Buddha. Only those words delivered by the Buddha can be relied on as the basis of our learning of Buddhism.
The Buddha is an enlightened being who have realized the truth of universe. He understands thoroughly the truth of human life and universe. Naturally, his words reveal the truth. So, only those words spoken by the Buddha can be the theoretical ground of the teaching of our sect.
(continued tomorrow)
Namo Amitabha!

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Dec 2

Dec 2, 2017
Why does Shakyamuni Buddha emphasize on exclusive recitation of the name of one single Buddha—Amitabha Buddha? Why should we ordinary beings reverence only Amitabha Buddha as the most honoured of all Buddhas?
It is because Amitabha Buddha is the owner of the 48 vows, the host of the Land of Bliss, the master of delivering sentient beings in the ten directions. Amitabah Buddha is “the king of all buddhas, and the noblest in light”, as told in the Large Amitabha Sutra. Amitabha’s awesome light is foremost in nobility that no other buddha’s can match.
Namo Amitabha!

Friday, December 1, 2017

Dec 1 2017

Dec 1, 2017
Our life is not just once at this time, but is a continuum of the past, present and future. So, we should entrust our life – a continuum with birth and death in the past, present and future, impermanent, recycling, segmented life, and take refuge to Amitabha Buddha.
If we truly have the mind of reverence and obedience, ‘namo’, taking refuge, surrender, reliance, we must always remember the Buddha and recite the Buddha. Amitabha-invocation and Amitabha-recitation is the cause, while rebirth to achieve Buddhahood is the effect. From now on, we are certain to leave this turbid and evil, impermanent and recycling life, and assured to be one of the bodhisattvas in the Land of Bliss with infinite life, infinite light, infinite compassion and infinite wisdom.
Namo Amitabha!