Sunday, April 28, 2024

April 28, 2024

Apr 28, 2024
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about the Grace of Deliverance

In the dark of night, we rely on light. When crossing the sea, we rely on ships.
Just as a patient relies on a doctor, our rebirth in the West relies on Amitabha Buddha.
All three of the karmas of ordinary beings lead them to hell.
Exclusively reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha is the karma that assures rebirth in the Pure Land.


Namo Amituofo!

April 27, 2024

Apr 27, 2024
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Impermanence

Worldly joy is ultimately a midnight dream. Worldly prosperity is the same as the frost in September.
We can see the green willow when the sun rises in spring, and see the yellow chrysanthemum when the wind blows in autumn.


Namo Amituofo!

April 26, 2024

Apr 26, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

5H The Metaphor of Carrying a Heavy Rock Across the Sea

A grain of sand is light; yet, when placed in water, it sinks straight to the bottom. A piece of rock is heavy ; but, when it is put on a ship, it can be carried across the sea.

A grain of sand and a heavy rock will both sink if dropped into the sea. However, they can both reach the other shore. Their weight plays no part. It is not because the light grain of sand will float, or the heavy rock will necessarily go down to the bottom. If carried by boat, they can equally cross the sea and reach the other side.

By the same token, whether we can be reborn in the Western Land of Bliss has nothing to do with the seriousness of our karmic offenses. Even if our karmic affliction is as fine as a strand of hair, unless we board the ship of Amitabha’s great vow, we are doomed to sink to the bottom of the sea of birth-and-death. On the other hand, even if the karmic obstacles we are shouldering are as burdensome as a giant rock weighing ten thousand pounds, there is still a way for us to avoid the wretched realms. By reciting the six-character name (“Namo Amitabha Buddha”), our rebirth in the Land of Bliss is assured.

No matter how light a grain of sand is, it cannot stay on top of the sea unless it is being carried by a boat. This is like a person who practices without relying on Amitabha Buddha. He cannot eradicate all of his karmic afflictions and find a way to liberate himself from the cycle of reincarnation on his own. He can only do so if he is rescued by Amitabha Buddha.

However heavy a rock may be, when put on a ship it is destined to reach the other shore. The same law applies to ordinary beings who suffer from heavy karmic obstacles. Once you board the ship of Amitabha’s vow power by reciting “Namo Amitabha Buddha”, you are certain to avoid falling into the three wretched realms. You will ultimately achieve Buddhahood through rebirth in the Western Land of Pure Bliss.

5H. 不論凡夫,只論彌陀妙喻之 - 重石過海喻




Namo Amituofo!

April 25, 2024

Apr 25, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

5G The Metaphor of Rescuing a Drowning Person

At the moment when someone is about to drown to death, it is not realistic to expect him to tread water skillfully in order to stay afloat. His swimming skills are not what matters. The most important question at that moment is how to rescue him.

We are all bobbing up and down in the sea of suffering in the Three Domains. Our release from samsara depends on being saved by someone.

If no one comes to our rescue, we are doomed to accumulate more and more negative karma and keep plummeting downward. Only Amitabha Buddha can deliver us from the sea of suffering and he is all that we need. Nothing else is necessary.

5G. 不論凡夫,只論彌陀妙喻之 - 溺水施救喻



Namo Amituofo!

Thursday, April 25, 2024

April 24, 2024

Apr 24, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors used in the Pure Land School

5F. The Blind and the Crippled

A man without legs cannot be expected to walk. He needs to travel by car or use a wheelchair. A blind person cannot see. He must rely on a guide when he needs to go out.

As Buddhist practitioners, we are all like those without legs or eyesight. Why are we compared to the blind? Because we do not have the ability to understand the profound teachings of Mahayana Buddhism and can only see darkness. Why are we also said to be like a legless person? Because our self-power is too weak to sufficiently keep any precepts, to practice meditative concentration, or to develop wisdom. Not being able to cultivate the three-fold training of precepts, meditative concentration, and wisdom is like having no legs to walk with.

Therefore, we do not rely on our own practice to attain rebirth in the Pure Land. All that will work is Amitabha’s deliverance.

5F. 不論凡夫,只論彌陀妙喻之 - 無眼無腿喻


Namo Amituofo!

April 23, 2024

Apr 23, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors used in the Pure Land School

5E. The Metaphor of Crossing the Sea by Ship

When we cross the sea on a ship, it is the vessel that carries us across. We do not need to worry whether we are good swimmers. The sea is too wide for us to swim across and the quality of our swimming skills is irrelevant.

Compared with a worldly journey across a vast body of water, trying to traverse the sea of reincarnation and reach the Land of Bliss is far more difficult. To cross the sea of suffering our only hope is to board the ship of Amitabha’s great vow, and not rely on our own actions.

To travel by air, the only way is to take a plane. Simply flapping our arms will not work, since humans cannot fly.

To gain rebirth in the Land of Bliss, a profound and wonderful realm of rewards, we must rely on the power of Amitabha Buddha’s Vow, since no action by ordinary beings will work. The only questions we need to ask are whether Amitabha Buddha’s fundamental vow has the power to deliver us and whether he has achieved Buddhahood.

5E. 不論凡夫,只論彌陀妙喻之 - 乘船過海喻


而我們渡過生死海、到達極樂 界,比世間過海還要困難,所以,如果想渡過生死海,只論乘坐彌陀願船,不論凡夫有為造作。



Namo Amituofo!

April 22, 2024

Apr 22, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors used in the Pure Land School

5. Eight Metaphors explaining that Rebirth in the Pure Land is Amitabha’s

Doing, Not Ours (continued)

5D. The Metaphor of Making a Long Journey by Car

It is like traveling by car between cities in China, say from Changchun in Jilin Province to the Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. It would be unimaginable for people to make this journey of nearly 4000 kilometers on foot! However, if they ride in a vehicle, all those on board will arrive at the destination in the same easy way, whether the passenger is a lame old woman or a marathon champion. This is due to the power of the vehicle, not the effort of individual passengers.The same law applies to our rebirth in the Pure Land, which is too profound and inconceivable for ordinary beings to attain on their own.

5D. 不論凡夫,只論彌陀妙喻之 - 遠途乘車喻

就好像我們坐車,從長春到烏魯木齊,這麼遠的距離,如果靠我們走路,那就 不能論了!這靠走路很難到達。如果坐車,跛腳老太婆和馬拉松冠軍平等到達,因為都是靠車的力量,所以不論。往生極樂世界也是如此,目標太高遠了,從凡夫這邊無法論。

Namo Amituofo!

April 21, 2024

Apr 21, 2024
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

Namo Amituofo - the Six-Character Name (continued)

The reason Amitabha Buddha puts all of his merit, virtues, and absolute value within his Name is to facilitate his deliverance of ignorant confused sentient beings. Amitabha is like a doctor prescribing medication to cure patients’ diseases. Without the appropriate medication even a great doctor is unable to rescue patients.

Amitabha Buddha cannot deliver sentient beings without his Name. The Name can deal with false and miscellaneous thoughts, and release the ties of karmic offenses. It is the only prescription to deliver those who are incapable of cultivating for the sake of leaving the cycle of birth-and-death.

Master Yuanzhao said, “ Amitabha delivers sentient beings through his Name.” So, when people hear or recite his Name, they can receive all sacred virtues within their mind consciousness, and plant the Buddha-seed that can immediately clear heavy karmic offenses for countless eons, and realize unsurpassed Enlightenment.

How can Amitabha Buddha deliver sentient beings through his Name? Amitabha Buddha equally shares his Name with all sentient beings. He is just like a doctor who must give medicines to patients rather than keeping the medicines locked away.

Amitabha Buddha delivers sentient beings in the same way. He unconditionally gives his Name of inconceivably awesome merits and virtues to sentient beings, and asks them to recite it. The Name is Amitabha’s priceless gift to all sentient beings. A person who receives this gift is assured of rebirth at the moment he receives it. Thus, he can be reborn in the Pure Land and enter the realm of emancipation when his life ends.

119 南無阿彌陀佛 - 名號之迴向 (續)






Namo Amituofo!

April 20, 2024

Apr 20, 2024
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

Namo Amituofo - the Six-Character Name (continued)

Moreover, the six-character name (“Namo Amituofo”) covers all of the practices and vows made by Amitabha Buddha in his causal ground, and all of the merits and virtues Amitabha Buddha accomplished in his reward ground. The true substance /essence of Amitabha Buddha is totally contained in his name.

As said by Master Honen, “The name is the focal point in which all virtues converge: The Fourfold Wisdom, the Threefold Body, the Ten Kinds of Power, the Four Kinds of Fearlessness, all other internally realized merits and virtues. All forms of goodness, light, sharing the Dharma to benefit sentient beings, and all other externally utilized merits and virtues are contained within the name of Amitabha Buddha.

The Name is the summation of all Dharma virtues - the repletion of the root of all kinds of virtues, the sea of treasures of expedient, perfect, complete, real merits and virtues. The six-character Name consists of the deepest unsurpassed merits and virtues,with boundless and endless benefits.

These short teachings explain the realization of the Tathagata’s full virtues and the full power of Amitabha’s Name. It has absolute value because the true body of Amitabha and his Name are not two, but one. Their existences are not separate. They are just like the movement of waves on bodies of water. This is known as the “non-duality of name and body”.

119 南無阿彌陀佛 - 名號的價值 (續)





Namo Amituofo!

Saturday, April 20, 2024

April 19, 2024

Apr 19, 2024
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

Namo Amituofo - the Six-Character Name (continued)

“Namo Amitabha Buddha” is the name of the Buddha who resides in the Western Land of Bliss. This Name is totally different from our names. Our names are used to differentiate one individual from another. At times a title is added;but, the name itself has no functional capacity based on its meaning.

Our names are like symbols used for addressing particular individuals. The meanings and functional capacities expressed in the words of the name are separate from the name itself. Amitabha Buddha’s name is different, it was established for the sake of benefiting sentient beings.

The merits and virtues of the Buddha can be revealed through his name. If sentient beings believe in the merits and virtues contained in the Buddha’s name, and exclusively recite it , they will attain the infinite benefits it contains. The great master said in his commentary on the Contemplation Sutra, “ Amitabha Buddha shares his infinite virtues through his name. To exclusively recite his name is equivalent to praising his merits and virtues, which can eradicate offenses and produce good fortune.”
(to be continued tomorrow)

119 南無阿彌陀佛 - 名號的價值 (續)




Namo Amituofo!

Thursday, April 18, 2024

April 18, 2024

Apr 18, 2024
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

Namo Amituofo - the Six-Character Name (continued)

From the point of view of Amitabha’s splendid merit and virtues, the six-character name (“Namo Amitabha Buddha”) should be regarded as most correct and complete. This is because faith in Amitabha and taking refuge in him (Namo) are not initiated by sentient beings. They completely come from Amitabha Buddha, who enters the minds of sentient beings to enable their deliverance. In other words, our minds of taking refuge are completely in Amitabha Buddha’s hands. It is just like flipping a template with words designed to be printed on the left side onto the right. In this way the words on the template appear on the right side of the paper.

Amitabha’s name appears in sentient beings’ minds like a print, and creates their faith in taking refuge. In this way, it is necessary to put the prefix “Namo” before the name of “Amitabha Buddha.” If not, Amitabha’s absolute deliverance cannot be established. As the prefix ‘Namo” must be put before “Amitabha Buddha”, the full name should be “Namo Amitabha Buddha.”

Thus, Amitabha Buddha’s name is different from all other Buddhas. The Name, “Namo Amitabha Buddha,” connects the “aptitudes [of sentient beings] with the Infinite Light and Life [of Amitabha Buddha]. The full name of Amitabha Buddha should be “Namo Amitabha Buddha”, and Amitabha Buddha is only a shortened version.

(to be continued tomorrow)

119 南無阿彌陀佛- 六字名號 (續)




Namo Amituofo!

April 17, 2024

Apr 17, 2024
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

Namo Amituofo - the Six-Character Name

“Namo” is usually added in front of the Buddha’s name when one recites it, like Namo Shakyamuni Buddha, Namo Vairocana Tathagata, etc. It simply expresses the reciter’s internal mind, her reverence for the Buddha and her desire to be delivered. However, “Namo” is not considered a part of a Buddha’s full name.

Generally, people consider Namo Amitabha Buddha and Namo Shakyamuni Buddha to be equal, and they agree to add the prefix “Namo” to the name of Amitabha Buddha. In the Pure Land School, “Namo Amitabha Buddha” is considered the full name.

In the Infinite Life Sutra it says, “When I attain perfect Enlightenment, my name will contain Infinite Life. Sentient beings who hear my name and exclusively recite it will be reborn in my Buddha-land.” In the Amitabha Sutra, it says, “there is a Buddha in that land, called Amitabha”. Thus, the name of that Buddha consists of the four characters , “Amitabha”.

In the Pure Land School it is correct to understand Amitabha’s name as being composed of 4 characters; however, with respect to recitation of the name, “Namo Amitabha Buddha” (the six-character name) is appropriate.

As far as the Buddha’s body is concerned, it is fine to use just 4 characters in spelling Amitabha’s name. These refer to his 12th Vow(Infinite Light) and the 13th Vow (Infinite Life). Amitabha instilled them in his body and they are why he is called the Buddha of Infinite Light and Infinite Life.

(to be continued tomorrow)

119 南無阿彌陀佛- 六字名號






Namo Amituofo!

April 16, 2024

Apr 16, 2024
A Verse sharing Compassionate Advice and Cautions - quoted from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’ by Master Shandao

If Shakyamuni Buddha were not urging us to recite Amitabha’s name,
How would we be able to see Amitabha and his Pure Land?


Namo Amituofo!

April 15, 2024

April 15, 2024
Q and A about Practicing Amitabha-Recitation
Part One - Benefits in the Present Life
第一部分 有關現世利益

Q4: In our world, Guanyin can cause people to have a child. If we recite Namo Amitabha Buddha, is it still necessary for us to recite Guanyin when asking for a child?
Answer to Q4: Not necessary. The result is the same when we recite Namo Amitabha Buddha. Read the account on Page 91 in the Third Collection of the Accounts of benefits in this life due to Amitabha-Recitation. A woman was originally told by her doctor that she was pregnant with a girl. However, knowing that her husband was hoping for a boy, she asked Amitabha to change the baby to a boy and recited Namo Amituofo 10,000 times.
Amazingly, she delivered a boy!

「求子得子 轉女成男」就是證明。

Namo Amituofo!

April 14, 2024

April 14, 2024
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about the Grace of Deliverance

If we take the two karmas of body and mouth as a benchmark, there may be a few perfect people in the world.
If we take the karma of our minds as a benchmark, there won’t be a single perfect person in the world.
If we take what we see as a benchmark, there may be some benevolent persons in the world.
If we take what we cannot see as a benchmark, all people are somewhat flawed in this world.


Namo Amituofo!

April 13, 2024

Apr 13, 2024
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about Impermanence

Whether it is right or wrong, gain or loss, it all turns out to be empty in the end.
Whether it is grace or blame, love or hatred, it becomes unclear within the blink of an eye.
The mountain and water remain the same.
However, how many sunsets can people enjoy in their lives?


Namo Amituofo!

Saturday, April 13, 2024

April 12, 2024

Apr 12, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

The Metaphor of the King Issuing a Summons

Common people do not have the authority to present themselves before a monarch. An audience with the king must be granted by him. We ordinary beings are like peasant farmers, while Amitabha Buddha is like our king. It is impossible for us to be reborn in his Land of Bliss by relying on self-power. Our rebirth there is assured only because of the infinite power of Amitabha’s great vow. Therefore, as Master Shandao said,“No ordinary beings, whether good or evil, can attain rebirth in the Pure Land without recourse to the karmic power of Amitabha’s Great Vow as the augmentative cause.”

We learn from Master Shandao’s statement that whoever we are, whether a great bodhisattva or an ignorant being, we are all equal when it comes to rebirth in Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land. Our rebirth fully relies on Amitabha’s great vow power, not our own powerless practices.

5C. 不論凡夫,只論彌陀妙喻之 - 國王召見喻




Namo Amituofo!

April 11, 2024

Apr 11, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

The Metaphor of the High and Long Jump

Another reason why ordinary beings must rely on the power of Amitabha’s vow in order to be reborn in the Land of Bliss is because this is something way beyond our ability to achieve by ourselves. The most we can do is to practice the five precepts and the ten virtuous deeds, which can lead to the good karmic rewards of rebirth in the human and celestial realms. However, as Master Daochuo remarked, “Even if practicing the five precepts and the ten virtuous deeds can lead to the good rewards of rebirth in the human and celestial realms, very few of us can do it.” Since ordinary beings are imperfect by nature, it is difficult for us to gain these two rewards.

However, rebirth in the celestial and human realms is inferior compared to the liberation from the three domains of existence (i.e. the domains of desire, form, and formlessness). It follows that ultimate enlightenment through rebirth in Amitabha’s land of reward is totally beyond the reach of ordinary beings acting on their own.

For example, when faced with a barrier one foot high, we can jump over it. However, if the barrier is ten times higher, we will not dare to try. Anything that is inconceivably high, such as the moon, can only be reached by a spaceship. It is impossible for us to get there by jumping. A barrier on the road and the moon are totally different worlds. No champion high jumper, who may be able to jump more than two meters, could ever jump high enough to reach the moon.Reaching the moon can never be accomplished by high jumping. Likewise, crossing a vast ocean is not something that can be achieved by long jumping.

As ordinary beings, our capacity for cultivating virtues is extremely limited, like a high jumper’s ability to jump a mere one to two meters. Aspiring to be reborn in Amitabha’s land of rewards is like aiming for the moon. Trying to do that by relying on our own ability is completely out of the question.

The merits we cultivate by our own power can only enable us to jump over a ditch no more than a few meters wide. There is no way they can help us to cross the boundless sea of life and death. Therefore, for the purpose of rebirth in the Buddha’s Land of Bliss, we must fully recognize that ordinary beings are incapable of it through their own power.

5B. 不論凡夫,只論彌陀妙喻之 - 跳高跳遠喻

同時,也是因為我們所要去的目標太高遠 —— 目標高遠不可論。因為以凡夫來講,如果論的話,頂多可以論我們修行五戒十善,將來感得人天果報。道綽大師說:「縱有人天果報,皆為五戒十善能招此報,然持得者甚稀。」所以,要論我們凡夫的本性,是墮落的,能夠得到人天果報就不容易了。



作為凡夫,我們的修行力量, 最多也是跳高,一米兩米而已;如果想到彌陀報土,就像到月亮上一樣,那根本不可以討論。如果論我們的修行,頂多是過一丈兩丈的小溝;如果要廣渡生死大海,依我們的修持力量,完全不夠。所以,一切不從凡夫這邊論,目標高遠,不可以來討論。

Namo Amituofo!

April 10, 2024

Apr 10, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in Pure Land School

The Metaphor of Sunshine Brightening a Dark Room

The rebirth of ordinary beings in Amitabha’s Land of bliss is Amitabha’s doing, not ours. Why? Because ordinary beings are defiled and iniquitous and have no power to rescue themselves. For instance, a room that has been kept dark for a thousand years can be brightly lit by sunlight. It must rely on the sunlight. The room cannot illuminate itself as its nature is darkness.

The nature of ordinary beings is also darkness. Because of this we must rely on Amitabha’s infinite light, as well as the power of his great vow, to eliminate our darkness and gain rebirth in his Pure Land.

5A. 暗屋陽光喻


Namo Amituofo!

April 9, 2024

Apr 9, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in Pure Land School

Eight Wonderful Metaphors Explaining that Rebirth in the Pure Land is Amitabha’s Doing, Not Ours.
What kind of Buddha Body comprises Amitabha? What kind of Pure Land is the Land of Bliss? According to the Pure Land teaching of Master Shandao, Amitabha Buddha is a Reward Buddha, and the Land of Bliss is a Reward Land. In his “In Praise of Dharma Practices”, Master Shandao described the Pure Land of Bliss as “unconditioned Nirvana.” In the Pure Land of Bliss there is no birth and no death, no decay and no change, and no acts result in karma. It is a realm of Dharma Nature and Buddha Nature. The Reward Land of Bliss is supreme and wondrous! How can ordinary beings be reborn?
Question: “Considering that Amitabha’s Pure Land is a truly profound and wonderful realm of rewards in which it is difficult even for Theravada sages to be reborn, how could ordinary beings suffering from defilements and karmic obstructions possibly gain rebirth there?”
Answer: “Indeed, ordinary beings are too often barred by their own defilements and negative karma from aspiring to and gaining rebirth in the Land of Bliss. However, because there is the strongly augmentative cause of the power of Amitabha’s vow , all beings of the Five Vehicles — humans, celestial beings, Sravakas, Pratyekabuddhas and Bodhisattvas are able to be reborn in that realm.”
This response should answer your question. The fact that we ordinary beings can gain rebirth in Amitabha’s Land of Bliss, a profound and wonderful realm of rewards, is not our doing. The depth or shallowness of our meditative concentration, the number of good deeds or sins we have committed, and our accumulation of some or no merits are all totally irrelevant. Only the power of Amitabha’s vow guarantees our rebirth. After all, ordinary beings are plagued by defilements and karmic afflictions. If Amitabha were to require these conditions for rebirth, iniquitous and delusive ordinary beings would never be delivered into his Pure Land.
In other words, our rebirth in the Land of Bliss depends on nothing but the power of Amitabha’s great Vow . As it is said, “Due to the Buddha’s Vow”, which is a strong augmentative cause for our rebirth, “all beings of the Five Vehicles are able to be reborn in the Pure Land”. This means that everyone (from highly virtuous sages such as Bodhisattvas who have achieved the stage of near-perfect enlightenment), to ordinary beings (who have committed the five gravest transgressions) can all be equally delivered to Amitabha’s realm of rewards.
Below are some further metaphors illustrating that ordinary beings’ rebirth in Amitabha’s Land of Bliss is not our doing, it is Amitabha’s doing.

5. 不論凡夫,只論彌陀之妙喻8則 - 釋淨宗
阿彌陀佛到底是怎樣的佛身? 極樂世界到底是怎樣的淨土? 依淨土宗開宗祖師善導大師的教理,《觀經》九品皆是凡夫,阿彌陀佛是報佛, 極樂世界是報土。善導大師在《法事讚》中用「無為涅槃界」五個字說明極樂報土的景象。極樂世界是遠離造作、不衰不變、不生不滅的,是法性本身的境界,是佛本身的境界。極樂報土是如此高妙的境界,凡夫如何能往生呢?
善導大師在《觀經四帖疏》中設了一個問答 ⇒
這個問答,就給了我們答案,凡夫能往生「報法高妙」的極樂世界, 不在凡夫這邊論——論深、論淺,論福、論罪,論有功德、無功德,只看阿彌陀佛那一邊。因為眾生這邊不可論,畢竟凡夫都是罪垢、業障。阿彌陀佛不論這些,如果這樣論的話,我們罪惡生死凡夫就無法往生了。

Namo Amituofo!

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

April 8, 2024

Apr 8, 2024
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

119 Namo Amituofo (continued)

What kind of a Buddha is Amitabha Buddha? Amitabha Buddha is a Buddha who is replete with two virtues (infinite light and infinite life.) When analyzing these two virtues from the point of view of self-benefiting, infinite light refers to infinite wisdom. Amitabha Buddha has realized boundless perfect wisdom and is enlightened to the ultimate truth. In addition, he has also realized the eternal Buddha body, which forever transcends birth, aging, illness, and death.

From the point of view of benefiting others, Amitabha’s Infinite Light is able to benefit all sentient beings by shining in all of the worlds in the ten directions. Amitabha’s Infinite Life allows him to deliver all sentient beings in all three periods in terms of time. (past, present and future)

In the Pure Land School, we study the meaning of Amitabha Buddha with respect to benefiting others. In the Rites of Rebirth, it says, “he embraces all Amitabha-reciters and never forsakes them.” That is why he is called Amitabha. Hence, sentient beings who take refuge in Amitabha through exclusively reciting his Name are received and delivered by him. This is the meaning of “Amitabha Buddha”.

119 南無阿彌陀佛(續)




Namo Amituofo!

April 7, 2024

Apr 7, 2024
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

119 Namo Amituofo (continued)

“Amituo”should have originally been translated as “infinite”. Thetranslation of the name Amitabha originates with this phrase - “For what reason, Shariputra, do you think that Buddha is called 'Amitabha? Shariputra, that Buddha's light shines boundlessly and without hindrance over all the worlds of the ten quarters. It is for this reason that he is called Amitabha. “To continue Shariputra, the lives of the Buddha and the people of his land last for immeasurable, unlimited and incalculable kalpas. It is for this reason that the Buddha is called Amitayus.”

Thus, we know it is because his light and life are immeasurable that the Buddha in the Land of Bliss is known as “infinite”. Based on the definition above, “Amituo” can be translated as “infinite light and life”.

Nevertheless, sentient beings are generally more concerned about the length of their lives; so, ever since, “Amituo '' was translated as “Infinite Life”, or called Amitabha Buddha, the Buddha of Infinite Life. Master Shandao says in his Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra that “A” means “In”, “Mi” means “finite”, and “Tuo” means “Life. Putting the three syllables together, “Amituo” is translated as “Infinite Life”. Master Honen agrees with Master Shandao’s translation.

119 南無阿彌陀佛 (續)




Namo Amituofo!

April 6, 2024

Apr 6, 2024
Common Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

119 Namo Amituofo

The Contemplation Sutra says, 'This wise teacher advises him to join his palms and call, 'Homage to Amitayus Buddha' [Na-mo-a-mi-tuo-fo].' Calling the name of the Buddha extinguishes the evil karma that the dying person has committed during fifty kotis of kalpas of Samsara.” It also says, “In this way, he sincerely and continuously says 'Homage to Amitayus Buddha' [Na-mo-a-mi-tuo-fo] ten times.” This is the origin of reciting “Namo Amituofo”.

In Pure Land Buddhism, “Amituofo” is the Chinese transliteration of the name of the Buddha whose real existence resides in the Pure Land of Bliss in the West. When we recite the six syllables of “Namo Amituofo” it means we “take refuge in Amituofo. His followers exclusively recite “Namo Amituofo”, and write it down in order for us to worship him as our Principal Buddha.


“Namo Amituofo” is the Chinese translation of three Sanskrit words (Namo Amitabha Buddha) into three parts - “Namo”, “Amituo” and “Fo”.“Namas” is translated as “Namo.”When it is put together with “Amitabha” it has three meanings: taking refuge, prostrating and asking to be rescued.

“Namo” in “Namo Amituofo” means “I take refuge in”, as said in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra. “To take refuge” means to accept the offer of the Buddha. In other words, sentient beings should accept the Buddha’s offer without any doubts.

119 南無阿彌陀佛

《觀無量壽經》言「智者復教合掌叉手,稱南無阿彌陀佛;稱佛名故,除五十億劫生死之罪」,又言「如是至心,令聲不絕,具足十念,稱南無阿彌陀佛」 ,「南無阿彌陀佛」便是出自於此。





Namo Amituofo!

April 5, 2024

Apr 5, 2024
A Verse sharing Compassionate Advice and Cautions quoted from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’ by Master Shandao

If not for the efforts of Tathagata Shakyamuni,
We would have no way to hear about Amitabha and his Pure Land.


Namo Amituofo!

Friday, April 5, 2024

April 4, 2024

Apr 4, 2024
Q and A about Practicing Amitabha-Recitation
Part One - Benefits in the Present Life
第一部分 有關現世利益

Answer to Q3 (continued):
2. By reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha, Bodhisattva Guanyin will also come without needing to be invited. Grateful to his teacher, Guanyin deeply respects Amitabha. We note that there is a Buddha standing on the head of Bodhisattva Guanyin, which is Amitabha Buddha. Guanyin always follows Amitabha, so wherever Amitabha Buddha goes, Bodhisattvas Guanyin and
Shizhi always accompanies him.
So, Amitabha always protects those who recite his Name with his infinite light. Thus, Bodhisattvas Guanyin, Shizhi, and other bodhisattvas are always present. They are like Amitabha’s shadows, protecting and helping Amitabha-reciters and making friends with them.
So, for an exclusive Amitabha-reciter, though he doesn’t call out to Bodhisattva Guanyin, Guanyin will naturally come. Similarly, other bodhisattvas will do the same. It is, of course, not necessary to recite the names of any other Buddhas or bodhisattvas.
3. Those who exclusively recite Amitabha Buddha’s Name are always protected by the Buddha’s light. Of course they may not notice that some possible jeopardies have disappeared, and that they did not encounter any danger in critical moments. Though an exclusive Amitabha-reciter may experience some minor disasters or hindrances, he will naturally continue
to recite Amitabha Buddha without thinking of changing to any other Buddhas or Bodhisattvas. If his mind wavers, he should simply return to the recitation of Amitabha’s Name. So once again, we see that the effect of calling out to any other Buddha or Bodhisattva is not better than exclusively reciting Amitabha Buddha.


Namo Amituofo!

April 3, 2024

Apr 3, 2024
Q and A about Practicing Amitabha-Recitation
Part One - Benefits in the Present Life
第一部分 有關現世利益

Q3: Bodhisattva Guanyin saves those who are suffering upon hearing their cries for help. Though I recite Amitabha’s name, must I also recite Bodhisattva Guanyin’s name if I want to avoid calamities at critical moments?
Answer: Yes, Bodhisattva Guanyin is known for great kindness and great compassion, and there are many instances of her saving people from calamities and danger. When we recite the name of Bodhisattva Guanyin in critical moments, the Bodhisattva will come and rescue us. Is this true?
However, one who exclusively recites Amitabha’s Name need not also call out to Bodhisattva Guanyin. Please refer to page 67 in the Third Collection of the Accounts of Amitabha- reciters being rescued. One example is Amitabha saving a drowning person with the Buddha’s light engulfing him. There are also many other accounts of Amitabha eradicating disasters and eliminating jeopardies.
There are three rationales:
1. The capacity for saving people from suffering upon hearing their calling for help is greater. Bodhisattva Guanyin is now the head disciple of Amitabha Buddha in the western Land of Bliss. He learned from his teacher Amitabha Buddha in terms of his capacity to save suffering beings and the depth of his compassion. Amitabha Buddha made vows to deliver sentient beings who
recite his Name when he cultivated the bodhisattva practices before becoming a Buddha.
So, whether a person calls for help or not, whether he is in danger or not, whether his mind is concentrated or not, whether he believes in Buddha or not, when he even thinks of Amitabha’s Name, Amitabha Buddha knows immediately, and surrounds him with his light of protection.
Amitabha’s response is faster than the speed of light! Because the Amitabha-reciter is protected by the Buddha’s light, he will be safe. Even if he is not a frequent Amitabha-reciter, he receives the same response. If he is a frequent Amitabha-reciter, Amitabha’s light always protects him
and receives him near the end-of-life.
In this respect, it is much safer, more comprehensive and thorough than people expect. So, it is not necessary for Amitabha-reciters to seek help from other Buddhas or Bodhisattvas.
(to be continued tomorrow)

答:觀世音菩薩稱為「大慈大悲、救苦救難、廣大靈感」,在危急時稱念觀世音菩薩名號,菩薩立即觀其音聲前來搭救,這是一點也不會錯的。但平常念佛的人不必改念觀世音菩薩。《念佛感應錄》第三集第67頁「佛光來照 免遭水溺」,及〈念佛免難〉之各篇記載的都是念阿彌陀佛消災免難的

Namo Amituofo!

April 2, 2024

Apr 2, 2024
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about the Grace of Deliverance

I have no wisdom now, nor do I have a single precept to hold onto.
I am like a human in a herd of cows and sheep.
I have nothing to rely on, as all my merit and virtues are expended.
I am fearful because I have all kinds of enemies.


Namo Amituofo!

April 1, 2024

Apr 1, 2024
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about Impermanence

Though the grace of parents runs deep, we must eventually say farewell.
Though the love of a couple is deep, we must all separate at the end.
Life is like birds living in the same forest.
All will individually fly away when their lives are in danger.


Namo Amituofo!

Monday, April 1, 2024

March 31, 2024

Mar 31, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in Pure Land School

Metaphor 4B: A Car’s Brakes
The preventive aspect of Amitabha’s deliverance is like applying the brakes in a car. When driving, you must move forward but also know when to brake. You should not brake just for braking’s sake. You apply the brakes because you realize you’re headed in the wrong direction and need to change course. You need to slow down first, or even stop the car completely, before turning the car in the right direction. So, it is not about slamming on the brakes permanently. It is only a temporary measure. It is about braking so that the car can move in the right direction and eventually reach your destination.
Similarly, when Amitabha Buddha warns that “I will not deliver you if you commit the five gravest transgressions or slander the correct Dharma”, he does not really intend to exclude us from his deliverance permanently. It is only a warning needed to prevent such transgressions.

4B. 攝抑二門,悲智雙運妙喻之 - 煞車喻
又像開車一樣,有前進就有煞車,但是煞車並不是為了煞車而煞車,是因為發現方向錯誤了,必須改變方向,改變方向之前,就要先稍微 煞車,甚至要完全停下來,才能夠轉往正確的方向前進。所以,不是為了煞車而煞車,不是為了永久煞車,煞車只是一時的權宜之計。煞車是為了 正確前進,為了正確

Namo Amituofo!

March 30, 2024

Mar 30, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

Metaphor 4A. Parental Love
It is natural for parents to love their children. The loving-kindness of parents towards their children is heartfelt. This is parental love in “an embracing way”. However, young children, being ignorant and naïve, are prone to make mistakes. If parents overindulge their children and do not set any rules to restrain their unacceptable behavior, the child might not know that what he has done is wrong and that he should be sorry. Offensive behaviors quickly develop into bad habits, and these youngsters might grow up and become wicked people. Good parents want to prevent their children from committing serious wrongdoings, which common sense tells them an immature child is likely to do. The parents will go over the possible types of offensive behavior one by one and give the child a warning such as, “You mustn’t do this” or “those things are absolutely forbidden, because they are extremely grave transgressions. Though I love you dearly as my own flesh and blood, I will have no choice but to expel you from our home and break off relations with you if you commit those wrongs.” This is parental love in “a pre-emptive way”.
There is no doubt that parents deeply love their children. Yet, true parental love comprises both compassion and wisdom — the tender embracing approach and the cautionary pre-emptive approach. However, will parents really abandon their child and sever relations with him if he
has sinned? The answer is “no”. That is just an expedient tactic, not the parents’ true intention.
In fact, it is inconceivable for a loving father to say this to his child: “My son,because I love you, I don’t mind you doing anything evil.” It is simply unthinkable. It is equally unthinkable that the father will be pleased that his son has gone astray and that their relationship will improve because of that. That said, it does not mean that the father will break the tie with his mischievous son just because he has warned the child against doing wrong. A father will always treat his son with compassion and kindness, hoping that his child will one day become more than just a gentleman, he will become a virtuous and wise person.
Similarly, Amitabha Buddha hopes that we ordinary beings will all become sacred beings. We should appreciate his compassionate mind and his true intention of saving sentient beings. Amitabha Buddha doesn’t only look forward to our turning over a new leaf by forsaking evil and practicing virtue; but, he also looks forward to our taking refuge in his deliverance. We must not treat Amitabha’s deliverance as a license to do evil.
In short, the “pre-emptive way” is an expedient means which by no means leads to permanent exclusion. It is only with a true understanding of the twin aspects of parental love that we can realize how compassionate Amitabha is and appreciate the great pains he takes in ensuring the deliverance of sentient beings.

4A. 攝抑二門,悲智雙運妙喻之 - 父母愛子喻
好像父母對子女,一定是發自內心自自然然地充滿慈愛,因為父愛、母愛是天性,這是「攝取門」的意思。同時曉得小孩幼小無知,難免會犯錯,如果縱容他,不管教他,不禁止他的話,他就不知悔改,而養成壞 習慣,將來恐怕成為一個惡人,所以父母對無知的兒女在還沒犯過之前, 會以他們的常識就將來有可能犯的,一一禁止他,說:「這個不可做、那個不能犯,因為那是非常嚴重的罪過;我疼愛你們,你們是我親生骨肉,可是如果是這樣犯了的話,我就 要把你們趕出門,斷絕父子母女的關係。」這是「抑止門」的意思。所以即使父母慈愛子女,也有攝取跟抑止的慈悲愛心與智慧警誡。但如果兒女犯了過,就真的趕出門、斷絕父子母女的關係嗎?不是的,那是方便說,不是真實義。
同樣的,我們也要深心體會阿 彌陀佛希望我們凡夫都能夠超凡入聖的悲心,體會阿彌陀佛救度眾生的本懷。阿彌陀佛一方面希望我們能夠改邪歸正、棄惡從善,另一方面又希望我們能夠歸入彌陀的救度,我們不能因為有了彌陀的救度,而縱惡為非。
因此,抑止門是就方便義來講, 並不是真正排除。所以,我們必須要懂得有攝取門、有抑止門,才能體會佛陀救度眾生的悲愍與苦心。

Namo Amituofo!

March 29, 2024

Mar 29, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

4. Five Metaphors describing how Amitabha’s Compassion and Wisdom Expressed through the Inhibition and Embrace of Amitabha’s Deliverance By Master Huijing

A question that often baffles Pure Land practitioners is, according to Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow, will the Buddha save evil beings who have committed the five gravest transgressions or slandered the correct Dharma? The 18 th Vow (the Fundamental Vow) in the Infinite Life Sutra assures the rebirth in Amitabha’s Land of Bliss of all those who recite Amitabha’s name and aspire to be born there. This obviously covers ANYONE, even if he is guilty of an offense and even if the offense is serious.
Yet, there is a provision in the 18th Vow that says: “except those who commit the five gravest transgressions or slander the correct Dharma.” However, in the Contemplation of Infinite Life Sutra, the passage regarding rebirth for those in the lowest level of the lowest grade says that, “even the most iniquitous sentient being who has committed the five gravest transgressions can still attain rebirth in the Land of Bliss, as long as he has a change of heart when he is about to die and recites the name of Amitabha.” With each recitation of the Buddha’s name, the evil karma of the five gravest transgressions and the suffering they will receive as retribution, are eliminated then and there.
Why are those who commit the five gravest transgressions “excluded from rebirth in the Pure Land” in the Larger Sutra; but, “embraced and delivered” in the Contemplation Sutra? How can we reconcile this inherent contradiction in the two sutras and have a correct understanding of their true meaning?
According to Masters Tanluan and Shandao, the provision in the 18th Vow that says “excepted are those who commit the five gravest transgressions or slander the correct Dharma” is for pre-emptive purposes. The ultimate intention of the pre-emptive approach is not just to prevent those wrongdoings; but, to embrace and deliver those who commit those grave offenses once and for all.
As we can see, Amitabha adopts the twin approaches of “compassion” and “wisdom” in saving sentient beings. Both are part and parcel of Amitabha’s deliverance. If sentient beings are permanently forsaken or banned from being rescued once they commit the grave offenses mentioned above; or, if Amitabha Buddha is not powerful enough to deliver them, wouldn’t the so called “great compassion and great kindness of the Buddha’s mind”, or the reference to the Buddha’s ability to bring happiness and eradicate sufferings, be mere rhetoric?
It is exactly the eradication of grave offenses and the rebirth of those who slander the correct Dharma that reveals the power of Amitabha’s vow and the perfectly flawless completion of his Buddha Mind. Wholesome and unwholesome retribution, resulting from our good and evil karma are things created in our minds.
Whether or not we can ascend to gain rebirth in the Pure Land or fall into the wretched realms of reincarnation depends on the power of Amitabha. Amitabha’s vows are inconceivable, and his power unfathomable. Below are some metaphors to show how Amitabha delivers sentient beings through his infinite compassion and wisdom. He does this by embracing them lovingly and warning them to avoid committing grave offenses.

4. 攝抑二門,悲智雙運之妙喻5則 - 釋慧淨

同是五逆,《大經》說 「唯除」,《觀經》卻是「救度而攝取」,這種彼此相違、矛盾的經文, 到底如何會通與理解? 依曇鸞大師、善導大師的解釋, 第十八願所講的「唯除五逆,誹謗正法」的「唯除」,是就抑止角度來講 的,抑止的最終目的不在抑止,而是為了攝取、救度,所以,抑止本身並不是永遠的抑止。攝取也好,抑止也好,都是阿彌陀佛的救度,阿彌陀佛就是這樣以 「慈悲」與「智慧」的雙重運作來救度眾生。如果一旦犯了五逆或是謗法,就永遠被捨棄不獲救度的話,或者佛沒有力量救度我們的話,那麼所謂的大慈大悲的佛心,或是拔苦與樂的力量,豈非就全變成是空談了?重罪消滅,逆謗得生,正顯彌陀,佛心佛力,圓滿不缺,徹底無遺。善之與惡,苦樂在心;升之與沉,淨穢由佛;佛願叵測,佛力絕思。

Namo Amituofo!

March 28, 2024

Mar 28, 2024
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about Classification of Teachings – the Two Practices (Primary and Miscellaneous)

Believing that accumulating various virtues through a myriad of perfectly accomplished practices can assure one’s rebirth in the Land of Bliss is relying on “the mind of self-power”. To perform all of these various virtues with the mind of self-power places them in the category of “miscellaneous practices”.
The practices are, of course, virtuous, and one should strive to practice them. However, the mind of self-power is not adequate to guarantee one’s rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land. That is why Master Shandao placed them in the category of miscellaneous practices, and asked people to discard that point of view. However, this doesn’t mean one should not try to live in a virtuous manner! Virtues should not be discarded; but, the mind of self-power should. When the mind of
self-power is discarded, all of the virtues of the so-called “miscellaneous practices” should be viewed as the practice of repaying the grace of all Buddhas.


Namo Amituofo!