Saturday, July 30, 2022

July 29, 2022

Jul 29, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in the Pure Land

All of the karma we have accumulated during past lives, whether good or bad, is unreal. Only the Name “Namo Amituofo” is real.
Why is our karma unreal? It is because all phenomena are impermanent, have no self-nature, and empty. If that is so, all of the karma performed by our bodies and mouths is the same. The only entity that is real and eternal is “Namo Amituofo.”
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

July 28, 2022

Jul 28, 2022
A verse saying “both body and mind are enlightened” quoted from “In Praise of Pratyutpanna” by Master Shandao

Even the tiniest pores in the body and mind can be enlightened.
Bodhisattvas and sacred beings can occupy anywhere in space at will.
They can manipulate their paranormal powers to enter the grand assembly.
They can also recollect the grace of good advisors in the Saha Land.


Namo Amituofo!

July 27, 2022

Jul 27, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Classification of Teachings – the Difficult and Easy Paths
淨宗判教 – 難易二道判

The Pure Land teaching is called the Easy Path; yet, it is also a splendid teaching. It is an unsurpassed path because it enables us to reach the highest realm, the Buddha’s realm of infinite light and infinite life.


Namo Amituofo!

July 26, 2022

Jul 26, 2022
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about “based only on faith”

The foundation of Pure Land practice is faith.
If they truly believe, even those who have committed the Five Gravest Transgressions and the Ten Evil Deeds can also be reborn.
For those who do not believe, and those who understand Buddhist teachings of all schools, but have not eliminated their delusions, there is no way for them to attain assured rebirth.


Namo Amituofo!

July 25, 2022

Jul 25, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – the 18th Vow

From the time that we come across this teaching, regardless of our age, we should aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss, and always exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name until we are near the end-of-life. This is what “even ten times” means. It also means “Once we vow to be reborn in the Pure Land, we should not cease our recitations until the end of this life.”


Namo Amituofo!

July 24, 2022

Jul 24, 2022
The 31 Verses Explaining the Amitabha Sutra from the “Praise of Dharma Practices” by Master Shandao
善導大師《法事讚》 轉《阿彌陀經》31偈語

6. A Verse about the Explanation of Direct and Circumstantial Rewards in the Land of
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
A multitude of heavenly and human beings sit with the Buddha, join their palms with admiration, and happily listen to the Buddha explain the Sutra.
The Buddha knows that it is the perfect time to enlighten both ordinary and sacred beings in the assembly; so, he asks Sariputra to listen with full attention.
All Buddha-lands are pure and adorned. Ordinary beings who are distracted and confused, with miscellaneous and false thoughts, are not likely to be reborn.
Thus, the Tathagata specially directs us to the Pure Land in the West, which is located far beyond a hundred thousand billion Buddha-lands.
The Pure Land is most splendid and adorned with seven jewels. The lifespans of sacred and celestial beings there are extremely long.
The Buddha in that land is called Amitabha, who always shares the Dharma. All karmic obstructions to the Buddhist Way encountered by living beings in the Land of Bliss naturally perish.
All sentient beings should dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in that Land. Let us hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always make offerings to the Buddha.

6. 略讚極樂依正偈
願往生 願往生
人天大眾皆圍繞 傾心合掌願聞經
佛知凡聖機時悟 即告舍利用心聽
一切佛土皆嚴淨 凡夫亂想恐難生
如來別指西方國 從是超過十萬億
七寶莊嚴最為勝 聖眾人天壽命長
佛號彌陀常說法 極樂眾生障自亡
眾等迴心願生彼 手執香華常供養

Namo Amituofo!

Saturday, July 23, 2022

July 23, 2022

Jul 23, 2022
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

The Naturalness of Vow Power
It is through the naturalness of vow power that an Amitabha-reciter attains rebirth and becomes a Buddha. Amitabha Buddha made 48 vows that enable an Amitabha-reciter to attain rebirth and become a Buddha. Since the 48 vows have been accomplished, sentient beings of the ten directions need only abide by his vows, and they will naturally receive the naturalness of his vow power, and gain the reward of rebirth and becoming a Buddha. This is known as “one’s own effect resulting from other’s cause, one’s own reward resulting from other’s acts.”


Namo Amituofo!

July 22, 2022

Jul 22, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in the Pure Land

We should, of course, practice virtues and accumulate merits in this life; however, we shouldn’t rely on them, hoping to have better future lives. For Amitabha-reciters it is more important to recite Amitabha’s Name with belief and aspiration – believe in Amitabha’s deliverance, believe in the Land of Bliss being our final destination, be willing to accept Amitabha’s deliverance, and aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss.
Thereafter, exclusively recite Namo Amituofo, the Great Name of Myriad Virtues. This is the pure karma for rebirth, replete with belief and aspiration.


Namo Amituofo!

July 21, 2022

Jul 21, 2022
A verse about “marks and goodness are the same as the Buddha” quoted from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’ by Master Shandao

The body of the Buddha and the sacred beings there are golden in color.
The light emitted from their bodies shines on each other, enabling their minds to be connected.
The splendor of their marks and goodness are not different,
Because all of them are produced by Amitabha’s vows.


Namo Amituofo!

July 20, 2022

Jul 20, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Classification of Teachings – the Difficult and the Easy Paths
淨宗判教 – 難易二道判

We don’t need to express the Easy Path in a mysterious, profound, difficult, or special way, it is simple and ordinary. Thus, the Easy Path is the Path of Ordinariness.


Namo Amituofo!

July 19, 2022

Jul 19, 2022
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about “not truly having full faith in the Buddha”

You do not truly have complete faith in the Buddha if you have to ask others about the effectiveness of Amitabha-recitation. It shows that you do not really have faith in the Buddha’s words.
If you believe more in the words of ordinary people, your mind will be “stolen” by them. Your practice of recitation will be in vain because your faith is incomplete.


Namo Amituofo!

July 18, 2022

Jul 18, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings of the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – the 18th Vow

Amitabha-recitation “even ten times”, as stated in the 18th Vow, means exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s Name (according to the patriarchs of our lineage). This is particularly stipulated in the conclusion of the Contemplation Sutra’s “passage on entrusting”. 
This is also known as “Buddha-invocation by name-recitation”, not - “Buddha-invocation by contemplative meditation,” “Buddha-invocation by contemplating the image”, and, of course, not “Buddha-invocation by realization of the Real Mark.” 
Amitabha- reciters are praised by Shakyamuni Buddha and called Pundarikas (Great White Lotus Flowers). It doesn’t matter whether you are a sacred or ordinary being, a good person or an evil person, as far as Buddha-invocation is concerned.


Namo Amituofo!

July 17, 2022

Jul 17, 2022
31 Verses Explaining the Amitabha Sutra from the “Praise of Dharma Practices” by Master Shandao
善導大師《法事讚》 轉《阿彌陀經》31偈語

5. A Verse about the Multitude of Miscellaneous Sentient Beings
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
Together with a multitude of Sravakas and Bodhisattvas, the Buddha travelled to Shravasti and lived in the Jeta Grove monastery in Anathapindata’s Garden.
They wish to close the doors of the Three Wretched Realms, and to terminate the access to the Six Paths. They reveal and open the door to the Pure Land, a realm of no-birth and no-death.
All celestial and human beings gather together. They see the face of the venerable Buddha and hear the Dharma for the first time.
As they see the Buddha and hear the Sutras, they attain enlightenment simultaneously. Upon the end of this life, their being will be able to enter the treasured lotus flower.
I vow to go to Amitabha’s Land of Peace and Joy, and return to the Defiled Lands to deliver human and celestial beings.
I wish for my compassion to be boundless, and repay the grace of kindness received through many eons.
All should dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always make offerings to the Buddha.

5. 雜類眾偈
願往生 願往生
佛與聲聞菩薩眾 同遊舍衛住祇園
願閉三塗絕六道 開顯無生淨土門
人天大眾皆來集 瞻仰尊顏聽未聞
見佛聞經同得悟 畢命傾心入寶蓮
誓到彌陀安養界 還來穢國度人天
願我慈悲無際限 長時長劫報慈恩
眾等迴心生淨土 手執香華常供養

Namo Amituofo!

Saturday, July 16, 2022

July 16, 2022

Jul 16, 2022
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

The Naturalness of Karmic Force
Naturalness means not intentionally acting upon, and not subject to change under any condition. There are three kinds of naturalness:
1. The Naturalness of Karmic Force
2. The Naturalness of the Power of the Vow
3. The Naturalness of the Unconditioned Realm
Sentient beings’ own cause and effect is known as the naturalness of their karmic force. If they practice good karma, they will naturally be rewarded with good fortune. If they practice evil karma, they will assuredly and naturally receive the retribution of suffering. This law is not subject to change; so, it is called the naturalness of karmic force. It is also known as “an effect resulting from a respective cause, or one’s own reward or retribution resulting from one’s own acts.”


Namo Amituofo!

July 15, 2022

Jul 15, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in the Pure Land

However, he should be clear that whatever he practices does not affect, neither more nor less, his rebirth. He just does what a Buddhist should do according to the conditions and duties, and abide by the teaching of “refraining from evil and practicing various virtues.” Why?
It is because he knows, as far as rebirth in the Pure Land is concerned, he does not rely on all these virtuous practices. As far as rebirth in the Land of Bliss is concerned, recitation of Namo Amituofo is entirely replete. Thus, the six-syllable Name is called the Great Name of Myriad Virtues.


Namo Amituofo!

July 14, 2022

Jul 14, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in the Pure Land

An Amitabha-reciter should clearly know that rebirth relies on exclusive recitation of Namo Amituofo. Other than that, he should perform his duties and responsibilities in dealing with worldly matters. He shouldn’t escape his duties and responsibilities by making the excuse that he is too busy reciting Namo Amituofo.
Thus, as a son or daughter, we should: have filial love for our parents; as parents we should responsibly raise our children; being siblings, we should love each other and live in harmony. We should accommodate them, help them, and do good in whatever way we can, according to our conditions, duties, and capacities. This is what the Buddha teaches us – refrain from evil, and practice various virtues.
(to be continued tomorrow)

一個念佛的人,他深刻清楚,往生是專靠念南無阿彌陀佛,因此平生就只專念南無阿彌陀佛。除此之外, 對於人情世事,當然也要恪盡本分,不可以假借念佛之名,而迴避應盡的責任。

Namo Amituofo!

July 13, 2022

Jul 13, 2022
A verse about “ a body of purple-golden color” from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’ by Master Shandao

Each newly born body [in the Land of Bliss] manifests in a purple-golden color,
Which is the same as all other living beings in the assembly.
Sometimes, they go to a jewelled pavilion, and attend the assembly.
All of them are always glad to see each other.
Various kinds of adornments can be recognized,
As they are unobstructed when viewed from inside or outside.
Sometimes when travelling, they pause to enjoy the Dharma bliss for a moment,
And they naturally attain the Samadhi of No-Birth.


Namo Amituofo!

July 12, 2022

Jul 12, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Classification of Teachings – the Difficult and Easy Paths
淨宗判教 – 難易二道判

In learning the teaching of Amitabha-recitation on the Path of the Pure Land, if a practitioner doesn’t rely upon Master Shandao, i.e. the Path of Easy Practice, he must mix other kinds of difficult-to-practice teachings with the easy-to-practice teaching. Thus, it is not the pristine or real Path of Easy Practice.


Namo Amituofo!

July 11, 2022

Jul 11, 2022
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about “the same mistake / wrongdoing”

Using a teaching of lateral transcendence as a longitudinal exit, offers a shallow reward and causes severe harm.

Namo Amituofo!

July 10, 2022

Jul 10, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – the 18th Vow

“To recite Amitabha’s name single-mindedly and without variation, whether walking, standing, sitting, or lying down, whether for long or short periods, is the karma of assurance. It is so because it accords with Amitabha Buddha’s 18th vow.”
This passage is quoted from the explanation of the Deep Mind in the Fourth Chapter – The Meaning of Non-Meditative Virtues in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra, which is known as the teaching about Name - recitation being the karma of assurance.
This passage explains that, whether a person is a monastic or householder, wise or ignorant, pure or defiled, wholesome or unwholesome, meditator or non-meditator, right or wrong, doesn’t matter as far as rebirth is concerned. The existence of deluded thoughts does not interfere with birth in the Pure Land. By simply reciting Amitabha’s Name, one is immediately assured of rebirth. This is the meaning of “even ten times” in the 18th Vow.


Namo Amituofo!

July 9, 2022

Jul 9, 2022
31 Verses Explaining the Amitabha Sutra from the “Praise of Dharma Practices” by Master Shandao
善導大師《法事讚》 轉《阿彌陀經》31偈語

4. A Verse about the Multitude of Bodhisattvas
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
Among the countless number of Bodhisattvas in the assembly, Manjusri is the most venerable one.
All Bodhisattvas set forth the great compassionate mind, and practice ascetic virtues,
So they do not violate their great vows to deliver sentient beings.
Bodhisattvas may appear in their adorned and superior forms, or appear in their adorned and superior bodies.
All sentient beings are delighted upon seeing bodhisattvas and hearing the wonderful Dharma, enabling them to enter the true gateway to the Buddha-lands.
All Bodhisattvas can reach the Buddha-lands in the ten directions, in order to help Buddhas turn the Wheel of the Dharma, through manifestation with their divine power.
All should dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands and always make offerings to the Buddha.

4. 菩薩眾偈
願往生 願往生
菩薩大眾無央數 文殊師利最為尊
發大慈悲行苦行 不違弘願度眾生
或現上好莊嚴相 或現上好莊嚴身
含靈睹見皆生喜 為說妙法入真門
十方佛國身皆到 助佛神化轉法輪
眾等迴心生淨土 手執香華常供養

Namo Amituofo!

July 8, 2022

Jul 8, 2022
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

The Great Name of Myriad Virtues
All virtues are consolidated within the Name, including internally realized merit and virtues such as: the Threefold Body, Fourfold Wisdom, Tenfold Powers, Amitabha’s Four Kinds of Fearlessness, and all externally realized merit and virtues (all forms of goodness, light, preaching the Dharma, and benefitting sentient beings.)
All of these singularly splendid merits and virtues are contained in Amitabha’s Name. This is why it is called the Great Name of Myriad Virtues.

名號為萬德所歸,阿彌陀佛三身、四智、十力、四無畏等一切內證功德,相好光明、說法利生等一切外用功德,皆悉攝在阿彌陀佛名號中,功德尤勝, 故稱「萬德洪名」。

Namo Amituofo!

Friday, July 8, 2022

July 7, 2022

Jul 7, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

Once reborn in the Land of Bliss, Amitabha’s blessings, merit and virtues are bestowed upon us, and we can share all of these, in order to: protect our children and grandchildren, deliver our parents, children, grandchildren, relatives, and dependents from past generations.
Understanding all of these benefits, Amitabha-reciters, though living in the mundane world like other people, can let go everything, and simply recite Amitabha’s Name with singleness of mind, and aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss at the end of this life. At that point, we have to select “one out of two” - either continue within the cycle of reincarnation or be born in Amitabha’s Land of Bliss.


Namo Amituofo!

July 6, 2022

Jul 6, 2022
A verse stating ‘fortunate to have a human body in this life” quoted from “In Praise of Pratyutpanna”

Though I am glad to have a human body that can hear the Pure Land teaching in this life.
I would gladly sacrifice this physical life in order to be reborn in the West.
The West is an unconditioned realm of joy.
The human and celestial realms cannot be compared,
Even by multiplying the splendors that living beings experience in the Six Heavens of Desire a billion times,
It still cannot be compared to just one moment of the splendor experienced by living beings in the West.
All thirty-two forms functionally inter-penetrate and are totally free of any obstructions.
Amitabha’s light permeates and shines in all the worlds in the ten directions.


Namo Amituofo!

July 5, 2022

Jul 5, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Classification of Teachings – the Difficult and the Easy Paths
淨宗判教 – 難易二道判

Amitabha-recitation is an Easy Path. It is so easy to practice that all can do it. Who cannot do it? Those unable to speak can recite the Name mentally. Even a parrot can be reborn through Amitabha-recitation, as recorded in the accounts; not to mention humans, the most talented among living beings. Thus, Amitabha-recitation is not a problem, but faith is.
So, the final and crucial factor is whether you believe or not. If you believe, you must recite Amitabha’s Name. Amitabha-recitation is easy to practice. No one is unable to practice it!


Namo Amituofo!

July 4, 2022

Jul 4, 2022
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about “the same mistake”

Those who venerate practices of cultivation and do not develop faith and aspiration, are regarded as being “attached to the practice but abandoning the theory”, which refers to self-powered teachings.
They make the same mistake as those who attach to the theory and abandon the practice, without any recourse to the Buddha’s power. They focus on their Self Nature and Mere Consciousness.


Namo Amituofo!

Sunday, July 3, 2022

July 3, 2022

Jul 3, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – the 18th Vow

Moreover, “even” also means: it doesn’t matter whether you are a monastic or householder, good or evil, male or female, young or old, wise or ignorant, kind or cruel. All are included in “even”. The word “even”is used to pacify our minds. So, we recite Amitabha’s Name in the manner of “even ten times”. Name - recitation in the manner of “even ten times” enables us to naturally receive Amitabha’s offer that says - “If they are not reborn, I will not attain perfect Enlightenment.”(as stated in his Fundamental Vow)


Namo Amituofo!

July 2, 2022

July 2, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – the 18th Vow

The word “ten” in “even ten times” does not mean “only ten times”. “Even” means: Upon hearing about and believing in Amitabha’s deliverance, a person should recite Amitabha’s Name for the rest of his life. Some people may recite ten times, five times, or for the length of one thought (for those who hear and believe near the end-of-life); but, some people may recite a thousand times, ten thousand times, for one day, for 7 days, for one year, for 7 years, or 70 years (for those who hear and believe earlier in the present life). All are included in “even ten times”
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

July 1, 2022

Jul 1, 2022
31 Verses Explaining the Amitabha Sutra from “In Praise of Dharma Practice” by Master Shandao
善導大師《法事讚》 轉《阿彌陀經》31偈語

3. A Verse to Praise the Multitude of Disciples
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
Originally, the teaching of the Tathagata was one, not two or more. It was only divided to adapt to the various aptitudes and capacities of sentient beings.
The Buddha expounds his teachings in a variety of ways so that sentient beings can be enlightened according to their circumstances. Sravakas can realize the emptiness of no-birth without leaving any traces of afflictions.
The Buddha may manifest through his paranormal powers, in order to preach the Dharma. The Buddha may subdue those on external paths, so the domains of their demons vanish.
Though Sravakas can benefit themselves without attachment, they cannot arouse the compassionate mind that benefits others through merit-dedication.
With the extinction of the body and arrival of wisdom, Sravakas do not need any residual mental realizations. However, their minds will be resurrected at the end of twenty thousand eons.
Once their resurrected minds are set in motion, their bodies will re-appear. Thus, the Buddha teaches them to set forth the Mahayana Mind first.
All should dedicate their merit, aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land, hold the fragrant flowers in hand, and always make offerings to the Buddha.

3. 讚徒眾偈
願往生 願往生
如來教法元無二 正為眾生機不同
一音演說隨緣悟 不留殘結證生空
或現神通或說法 或服外道滅魔蹤
自利一身雖免縛 悲心普益絕無功
灰身滅智無餘證 二萬劫盡復生心
生心覺動身還現 諸佛先教發大乘
眾等迴心生淨土 手執香華常供養

Namo Amituofo!

June 30, 2022

Jun 30, 2022
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

The Characteristics of the Aptitudes of Those near the End-of-Life
The Infinite Life Sutra says, “When a person’s life is near its end, he is filled with remorse and fear.”
Among those who committed offenses throughout their entire lives, they will see scenes of hells, and the officers with horse faces and bull heads will appear before them, when they approach the end of their lives. At this time, they are afraid of falling into hell and suffering in its fires. Though they regret what they did to hurt others in the past, and they really want to repent and heal the wounds they inflicted, it is too late to do so.
Only Amitabha’s 18th Vow can deliver them. Only Amitabha’s 18th Vow can give the gift of “unconditional kindness and infinite compassion” that are some of the most profound attributes of the Buddhas. In so doing, those who are delivered experience perfect happiness and the eradication of all suffering.

往往一生造惡的人,在他臨命終的時候,所顯現在他眼前的,就是地獄的景象,牛頭馬面會來到他的面前。這個時候, 臨終之人唯恐會墮落地獄、受地獄之火的燃燒;但此時雖然懊悔平生所做的惡事,想要懺悔、彌補他有這個心,可是來不及了。

Namo Amituofo!

June 29, 2022

Jun 29, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

All of us are ordinary beings; so, it is inevitable for us to become attached to all kinds of worldly matters, such as: the duties and responsibilities of the family, caring for family members, the status and role played in society, etc. Though all Buddhists live in this way, they understand that these are the duties in our lives, but not its ultimate aim.
In particular, Amitabha-reciters should know that, even though we recite Amitabha’s Name, we will still have to make a choice when we reach the near end-of-life. We must, of course, release all attachments and choose to be reborn in the Land of Bliss. This is because we know that all attachments and cravings will vanish when we reach the Pure Land.


Namo Amituofo!

June 28, 2022

Jun 28, 2022
A verse about the ‘Vow to be reborn in the Land of Peace and Joy” quoted from ‘In Praise of Dharma Practice’

I vow to go to Amitabha’s Land of Peace and Joy.
And I will return to the defiled lands to deliver both human and celestial beings.
I wish for my compassion to be unlimited and boundless.
So that I will be able to fully repay the grace of kindness for many eons.


Namo Amituofo!

June 27, 2022

Jun 27, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Classification of Teachings – the Difficult and the Easy Paths
淨宗判教 – 難易二道判

This teaching is called “the Easy Path” because, by simply and exclusively reciting Amitabha’s Name, a person will completely fulfill the right causes and karma for rebirth in the Land of Bliss. He will also completely possess the credentials of merit and virtues to attain rebirth in the Land of Bliss. The method is so simple; yet, it enables us to acquire these benefits in the present and future life.
So, as far as our teaching is concerned, name-recitation is the “true practice”, i.e. the genuine practice. Conversely, if we aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land, and we do not exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name, our practice is neither genuine nor true.


Namo Amituofo!