Thursday, August 31, 2017

Aug 31 2017

Aug 31, 2017
There are three kinds of Amitabha-recitation – Amitabha-recitation by self-power, combined power of oneself and the Buddha, commonly known as Amitabha-recitation by dual-power, and Amitabha-recitation by pristine other-power.
Amitabha-recitation by self-power – treating “Namo Amitabha” same as other virtues, and putting “Namo Amitabha” on an equal footing with other meritorious virtues like pilgrimage, repentance service, giving, holding precepts, forgiveness, vigor, meditation and wisdom, or with filial piety to parents, attending on teachers and seniors, and cultivating virtuous practices. They recite Amitabha’s name with such a kind of mentality and perform other virtuous deeds as well, and then dedicate them for rebirth in the Land of Bliss.
Because they do not understand that the great name represents a myriad of virtues, they underestimate the value of this Buddha’s name, and equate it to values of other meritorious virtues. With this attitude, a person recites Amitabha’s name while performing other virtuous practices. This is called Amitabha-recitation by self-power.
(continued tomorrow)
由於不了解佛號是萬德洪名,而將這句佛號的價值, 跟其他功德的價值同等看待,抱持這種心態,一面念佛一面修其他功德來迴向,這叫「自力念佛」。
Namo Amitabha!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Aug 30

Aug 30, 2017
Although (the Land of Bliss) has forms and shapes, it is equivalent to the formless and shapeless realm of nirvana, which is pure, serene, unchanged, and not contaminated. It is said to be “next to the way of unconditioned nirvana”. So, the pure adornments of the Land of Bliss cannot be imagined and perceived.
The Sutras said that the ground of the Land of Bliss is covered with gold and the pavilions are made of seven kinds of jewels. Although described like that, it is in fact a makeshift presentation for comprehension by ordinary beings. The true landscapes can only be understood correctly when we are reborn there.
Namo Amitabha!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Aug 29

Aug 29, 2017
Although the Land of Bliss is a circumstantial reward, it is equivalent to the realm of nirvana in the direct reward. What is the realm of nirvana in direct reward? It is not produced and will not extinct; it has no beginning and no ending; it is original in permanent existence, and not created artificially. The Land of Bliss, however, has beginning, but no ending. It is because the Pure Land was accomplished by the infinite vows and infinite practices of Amitabha Buddha in his causal ground. So, it is not in stillness and formless. Rather, it has forms and shapes.
(continued tomorrow)
Namo Amitabha!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Aug 28

Aug 28, 2017
A true reciting is not merely recite by mouth, but recite by body. To recite by body means to remember Amitabha, to think of Amitabha, which is to apply the teachings into practice. The purpose of the teachings in Buddhist scriptures is to facilitate readers to practice accordingly.
Reciting sutras certainly has merits and virtues; but the original purpose of the sutras is not merely for reading. It is rather, through reading, facilitate readers to understand the teachings, and subsequently observe and practice the teachings accordingly.
Hence, once we have read the three Pure Land sutras, we can put them aside and then recite the Name single-mindedly and exclusively. Just like Master Honen in his old age, he no longer recites the sutras—not even a single one, but focuses on the practice of Amitabha-recitation. He only recites “Namo Amituofo” exclusively. That’s an example of becoming more and more focused.
Namo Amitabha!

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Aug 27

Aug 27, 2017
A person who believes and accepts Amitabha’s deliverance, of course, has confidence in and reverent respect to Amitabha Buddha. He acts according to a good conscience and is ashamed of his misconduct. Besides, he also cherishes a loving heart and is forgiving to others. Why? It is because he realizes the love and kindness of Amitabha Buddha, as well as the forgiveness of Amitabha Buddha to him. When he realizes the great love of Amitabha Buddha, he is ashamed and confesses that he is an iniquitous person, so he becomes self-conscientious and self-regretted. Once there is a fault in his speech or action, his conscience will smote him, and his self-reflection will be more seriously than ever before.
Namo Amitabha!

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Aug 26

Aug 26, 2017
Don’t worry about you cannot attain Buddhahood; don’t worry about you cannot deliver sentient beings; do worry about you cannot be reborn in the Land of Bliss. Once reborn in the Land of Bliss, you must become a Buddha, and must be able to deliver sentient beings. So, the goal of our life is to be reborn in the Land of Bliss.
Some people study Buddhism as a kind of philosophy or knowledge, and do not tie it up with the matter of our birth-and-death. That means, they don’t consider about liberation from the cycle of reincarnations. To us, however, the goal is very clear and determined: the goal of our life, the goal of studying Buddhism, and the goal of practice is rebirth in the Land of Bliss.
Namo Amitabha!

Friday, August 25, 2017

Aug 25

Aug 25, 2017
Rebirth in the Land of Bliss is natural for a person who aspires to be reborn there and exclusively recites Amitabha’s name. It is because such a cause leads to such an effect. However, for persons who do not always recite Amitabha’s name, he must be very cautious and pay grave attention to the event of end-of-life. There is a saying, “One thought at the time approaching to the end-of-life is more important than cultivation over a hundred years”.
So, facing the end of our life, don’t fall into a panic or attach (to this saha world); do    invoke Amitabha Buddha. After your rebirth in the Land of Bliss, you can come back and deliver your family members. Once they’re reborn in the Pure Land, you will enjoy reunion with them forever.
Either reciting Amitabha’s name until the end of life, or reciting Amitabha’s name at the end of life, we will be received by Amitabha Buddha and a multitude of sagely beings, without being invited. This cannot be hindered by any kind of karmic obstructions.
一個願生極樂,專稱佛名的念佛人,往生極樂世界是自然的事,因為如是因,如是果。可是一般沒有念佛的人,對於臨終這件事就要非常的審慎與重視。 有句話說:「臨終一念,勝過百年修行之功。」
Namo Amitabha!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Aug 24

Aug 24, 2017
Amitabha-recitation should be practiced, like ‘without forsaking’, as said by Master Shandao. Whenever, wherever and whatever we do, we must invoke to recite Amitabha’s name. For every recitation, it is rewarded with merits and virtues, so it is not useless.
Attention is not required in the practice of Amitabha-recitation. It is not necessary to arrange a particular period of time for the practice of Amitabha-recitation either. If we always recollect the name of ‘Namo Amituofo’ and pop it up in our mind, false and miscellaneous thought will be less. Sufferings from afflictions will be mitigated. Our body and mind is relaxed naturally, so our body will be suffered from illness or depression. Amitabha-recitation benefits us all without any harm, only good and nothing bad.
Namo Amitabha!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Aug 23

Aug 23, 2017
It is normal that we have many false and miscellaneous thoughts fluttering about in our mind when we try to focus on Amitabha-recitation. As we are ordinary beings, we are full of afflictions. Our vexations will stir up false and miscellaneous thoughts, which is actually the substance (noumenon) of the mind of ordinary beings.
This substance exists in our daily mental activities, which results in false and miscellaneous thoughts that we may not notice. Only when we recite Amitabha’s name, particularly in an upright sitting position and in a state of calm mind, we then can see our original appearance—many false and miscellaneous thoughts flutter about in our mind.
During Amitabha-recitation, if we have false thoughts – thinking of something that we should not think, or conceiving ideas that should not conceive, don’t worry or be vexed. That kind of sentient beings is exactly what Amitabha Buddha vows to deliver.
Namo Amitabha!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Aug 22

Aug 22, 2017
The precious characteristic of Mahayana Buddhism is that we pursue not just emancipation of ourselves, but also deliverance of other sentient beings. All these ability and power are sufficiently included in Amitabha’s vows. So, once reborn in the Land of Bliss, we will possess the same wisdom, paranormal powers, and vow power as the Buddha’s, and will go to the worlds of ten directions and deliver sentient beings there. Thus, Master Tanluan highlights the 22nd Vow, and says, “[Such bodhisattvas] transcend the course of practice of the ordinary bodhisattvas, manifest the practices of all the bodhisattva stages, and cultivate the universally-worthy virtues”.
That is to say, cultivation in the Land of Bliss transcends the gradual course of practice of the ordinary bodhisattvas, and practitioners do not need to advance from the first ground to the second and third, and then to the eighth, ninth and tenth ground. So, the Pure Land school is a teaching of “lateral transcendence”. Once reborn in the Land of Bliss, one will directly achieve the Bodhisattva State of Equal Enlightenment.
Namo Amitabha!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Aug 21

Aug 21, 2017
The karma of assurance is spoken on the side of the Buddha, but it can also interpreted on the side of sentient beings. On the Buddha’s side, name-recitation, not any other kinds of practices and teachings, is chosen by Amitabha Buddha to be the main cause of rebirth. So, it is the “chosen” karma of assurance.
On our side, by merely reciting Amitabha’s name, we are in response to Amitabha’s 18th vow and following the instruction stated therein; we are also assured of rebirth. So, it is the “determinant” karma of assurance.
從我們這邊來講, 我們只要稱名念佛,就是隨順、契應了阿彌陀佛的第十八願,就決定能夠往生,所以就我們來講是「正決定之業」。
Namo Amitabha

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Aug 20

Aug 20, 2017
So long as you recite Amitabha’s name all the time, each and every recitation is aspiration as well as dedication for rebirth.  So, every name recitation reveals the merits and virtues Amitabha dedicates to us, and calls on us to allow his deliverance. Each recitation also reveals that we believe, follow and obey Amitabha’s deliverance, receive his merits and virtues, and aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss. So, every recitation is an expression of this kind of mindset. It says, “By one recitation, we respond to the Buddha once; by many recitations, we respond to the Buddha many times”.
Namo Amitabha!

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Aug 19

Aug 19, 2017
While the goal is so lofty, and the retributive reward is so splendid, the method is just so plain and ordinary, not peculiar and difficult, for which mundane people easily contempt. Why is that? Mainly because they do not understand that Amitabha-recitation in the Pure Land school is backed up by the vow and practice of Amitabha Buddha.
In conclusion, the goal of our life and the purpose of our studying Buddhism are clearly laid down, just like the flag hoisted up in the sky, which can be seen by people in different directions. This is the goal – rebirth in the Land of Bliss, and the method – exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s name.
Namo Amitabha!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Aug 18

Aug 18, 2017
Rebirth in the Land of Bliss means not only liberation from reincarnation within the Six Realms, but also having the same infinite lifespan and infinite light of Amitabha Buddha, as well as full possession of merits and virtues of the 48 vows. So, rebirth in the Land of Bliss is the goal of our life, and also the most noble and supreme goal among the 84,000 Buddhist teachings. This can be considered as the crystallization of the Buddhist teachings, and the final and ultimate practice of all schools. The method of rebirth, however, is so simple and easy – anyone can make it by merely reciting “Namo Amituofo”.
(continued tomorrow)
Namo Amitabha!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Aug 17

Aug 17, 2017
From birth till death, human beings on earth have little good deeds but tons of evil deeds. So, after death, most of them fall into the wretched realm and suffered; only a few of them are reborn in the wholesome realms and enjoy happiness. Anyhow, no matter which path, they are still hanging around along the wheel of reincarnations within the Six Realms. “From heaven, born in hell; from hell, born in heaven”, just as the Buddha said in the Sutra of Mindfulness in Right Dharma.
In addition, the Nirvana Sutra says, “Although regaining a body in the Braham Heaven, or even in the highest rank of heaven, one will eventually fall into the Three Wretched Realms at the end-of-life.” Thus, to a person who is uncertain whether he will be rebornin the Pure Land, he should, at least, grasp the last opportunity near to the end-of-life. We should reveal to him the teaching of Amitabha’s deliverance, assist him to recite Amitabha’s name, so that his intelligent spirit can be reborn in Amitabha’s Pure Land,where he can relieve the sufferings from reincarnations forever, and enjoy the realization of nirvana.
人生在世,惡多善少,是故死後,投生惡道受苦 者多,投生善道受樂者少;但不論善道惡道,皆仍在六道輪迴中。如佛於《正法念處經》說:「從天生地獄,從地獄生天。」
又於《涅槃經》言:「雖復得受梵天之身,乃至非想非非想天,命終還墮三惡道中。」因此,凡往生淨土不定之人,至少應把握其臨終時機,為他開示彌陀救度,助念彌陀佛名,使其神識往生彌陀淨土, 永離輪迴之苦,徹證涅槃之樂。
Namo Amitabha!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Aug 16

Aug 16, 2017
The Buddha’s Name contains Amitabha’s great compassion, great vow power, and great meritorious virtues. This Name is alive and active, as it has the Buddha’s eyes, ear, and conscience. So, when we recite his Name, Amitabha Buddha can hear it immediately and, in response, appears to protect us, to clear all our karmic obstructions, and to increase our merits and virtues.
Namo Amitabha!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Aug 15

Aug 15, 2017
No matter we recite aloud, in low voice, in moving lips (known as “diamond” recitation), or by heart, Amitabha can definitely hear it, because Amitabha is a Buddha who has all the six paranormal powers. No matter we recite with a pure mind or a distracted mind, recite sincerely or absentmindedly, Amitabha Buddha can hear it right the way. In fact, even before we move our lips, Amitabha Buddha already knows our intention when it springs up.
Our mind is similar to a “transceiver”. When we have a thought in mind, or a manner of speaking, it will disperse to the entire universe. When we fix our mind and enter into a meditative state, we can receive mind waves of any frequency from the universe. Even ordinary beings can do it, why not Amitabha Buddha, the king of all buddhas?
Namo Amitabha!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Aug 14

Aug 14, 2017
Among all kinds of realms, the greatest source of happiness is in Buddha’s realm, which is the eternal bliss and the joy of nirvana. Once reborn, we will enjoy all kinds of happiness that we can imagine and that we can realize. This is called a reward land. So, it is not required to go through various levels and grades. If such a process is required, that means he has to rely on dedication [of merits and virtues cultivated] by himself (“self-power”), and not on reciting Amiatbha’s name in accordance with his Fundamental Vow.
Namo Amitabha!

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Aug 13

Aug 13, 2017
The Land of Bliss is a reward land, which implies that there has no level or class, and [once reborn there] you don’t need to go through various stages of the Ten Dwellings, the Ten Practices, the Ten Transferences, and the Ten Grounds. You don’t go through these.
The Amitabha Sutra says, “Why is that land called the Land of Bliss? The beings in that land suffer no pain but only enjoy pleasures of various kinds. For this reason, that land is called the Land of Bliss.” No matter how many kinds of sufferings that you know, none of them exists in the Land of Bliss. No matter how many kinds of happiness that you know, all of them exist in the Land of Bliss.
The sufferings that we know are those in the uninterrupted hells, flooding of greedy mind, fire of hatred, and reincarnations in the Three Domains and the Six Realms. All these have no existence in the Land of Bliss, not even the “suffering” that a junior sage may have when he is longing for the achievements attained by the seniors. In comparison with our sufferings from reincarnations, it is not really suffering. Anyhow, that is still a kind of “unattainable” expectation, which is transcended in the Land of Bliss too. Hence, the Sutra says, “Suffer no pain but only enjoy pleasures of various kinds”.
(continued tomorrow)
Namo Amitabha!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Aug 12

Aug 12, 2017
If a person occupied with nothing can recite 30,000 times per day, he will leave no room for practicing other teachings. For a busy person, he can stick to one single practice because he has little spare time, not even able to recite 30,000 times.  
If one persists in this way, the three states of mind (i.e. the sincere mind, joyful entrustment, and aspiration for rebirth as mentioned in the 18th Vow, or the sincere mind, the deep mind, and the mind of dedication and aspiration as explained in the Contemplation Sutra), the Fourfold Cultivation (respectful practice, unmixed practice, uninterrupted practice, sustained practice), and the Five Kinds of Invocation (the Five Primary Practices) are consolidated into one Name – Namo Amituofo. All are referred to single-minded and exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s name.
Namo Amitabha!

Friday, August 11, 2017

Aug 11

Aug 11, 2017
The 18th Vow stated in the Infinite Life Sutra mentions only Amitabha-recitation and no other teachings. In the Circulation Section of the Contemplation Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha only tells us to hold on to the Name and no other practices. Talking about the main cause of rebirth, the Small Sutra also holds up only the Name and no other practices. So, all three Pure Land sutras consistently talk about the single practice of Amitabha-recitation, and not any other miscellaneous practices and teachings.
For the sake of preventing us from practicing miscellaneous teachings, Master Shandao tells us to hold firmly the exclusive practice in one teaching as told in the three Pure Land sutras, and therefore says that those who recite Amitabha’s name 30,000 times a day belong to the class at the highest level in the high tier.
Namo Amitabha!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Aug 10

Aug 10, 2017
In the teaching of deliverance, whether the person to be delivered is kind or evil is not counted, as the teaching is transcendental, designated for those who are unable to save themselves with their own means. We are unable to gain insight on our true mind and see our own nature, unable to subdue afflictions, and unable to purify our own mind. Conversely, our afflictions are flourishing, our karmic offenses are heinous, our blessings and wisdom is as thin as a piece of paper, and our karmic obstruction is sky-high.
But… How amazing! What good luck we have! We rejoice not only over our encounter with the Buddhist teachings, but also rejoice over our encounter with Amitabha’s teaching on deliverance, having listened to the dharma sound of deliverance—“wishing to be reborn in my Land” that Amitabha Buddha sends from the Pure Land.
This sound breaks through our tightly-closed heart, awakens us from the gloomy dream, and arouses our earnest aspiration to be reborn in that land. So, we vow not to retrogress in this life. Amitabha Buddha calls us and we respond accordingly. The call and the response are matched and united into one entity, and this connection will never be separated.
Namo Amitabha

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Aug 9

Aug 9, 2017
According to Amitabha Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha urges us the sentient beings in the Saha World to aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss by all means.  He urges us one time after the other. That means he has repeatedly urged us in infinite times. He is always urging us, hoping that we can be reborn in the Land of Bliss.
Aspiration to be reborn in the Land of Bliss, hence, is the original intent of Shakyamuni Buddha’s descent to the world, and also the Fundamental Vow of Amitabha Buddha. It is our purpose of life and our highest desire too.
Namo Amitabha!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Aug 8

Aug 8, 2017
Nowadays, many people advocate “tree burial”, “scattering burial”, and “sea burial”  [after cremation]. Among these, scattering [on land] is the most convenient one, and tree burial comes next. So, the best way is scattering, as it does not occupy any land.
A dead person reincarnates in accordance with the karmic forces. If he is reborn in the Land of Bliss, the cremated remains are no longer his belongings, and the final disposition method does not affect him at all. Moreover, we don’t want our ancestors being attached to the ashes in the urn.
Hence, the best way is to take him across [expiate his sinful karmas] by the Buddhist dharma. Solely by Amitabha-recitation, he will not attach to the cremated remains. At that time, his cremated remains can be crushed into powder (ashes), and scattered in the woods, in order to make karmic connections with other sentient beings, and expiate the guilt of meat-eating and offence to other sentient beings in this life.
Namo Amitabha!

Monday, August 7, 2017

Aug 7

Aug 7, 2017
If we want to dissolve those karmas and repay the karmic debts, accumulation of merits through practicing worldly virtues is absolutely impossible. If we want to dissolve and repay them by our own effort—to attain merits and virtues through practicing Buddhist teachings, it is also impossible.
Then, what can we do? Rely on “Namo Amituofo”. Namo Amituofo is the great name of a myriad of virtues and possesses all kinds of merits and virtues of all practices, of which the quantity is inconceivable, immeasurable, and boundless.
By recitng “Namo Amituofo” solely and exclusively, we can repay all karmic debts (obstruction) of our past lives, reduce the retributions from heavy to light, and transform retributions in future lives to the present life, or even dissolve them completely.
那要怎麼辦?就是靠「南無阿彌陀佛」。這句 「南無阿彌陀佛」萬德洪名,具足所有的善行功德,而且多到不可思議、無量無邊。
我們只要專念「南無阿彌陀佛」,生生世世的業障都能夠償還,轉重報為輕報, 轉未來報為現世報,甚至完全化解。
Namo Amitabha!

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Aug 6

Aug 6, 2017
If one gets “sick” due to karmic obstruction, only the “medicine” of meritorious virtues can cure; otherwise, no matter how much money is spent, how many brilliant doctors are consulted, it does not yield any healing effect because the prescription is not right.
Taking into account of our numerous past lives, we have accumulated plentiful, extremely heavy karmas of killing centipedes, venomous snakes and various wild animals, as well as karmas of offending the enemies and creditors. Because we are illusory and ignorant, we don’t know becoming a vegetarian and taking care of other living beings. Since born, we have killed numerous ants, mosquitos, or even mice, snakes, from small insects to large animals. Just in one life, we have made enormous karmic enemies with other beings, not to mention those karmic offenses accumulated in numerous past lives. It is incalculable.
(continued tomorrow)

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Aug 5

Aug 5, 2017
Among the 84,000 kinds of teaching, invocation to the Buddha by name-recitation is the easiest one in practice and the most splendid one in terms of merits and virtues. Name-recitation is better than silent invocation in mind.
It is because Buddha-invocation in mind is not common, while name-recitation in voice can be practiced popularly. At the time near end-of-life, it is difficult for one to invoke Amitabha Buddha in mind when he is flurried and fearful. Name-recitation in voice, on the other hand, can eliminate his heavy karmic offenses in the past 8 billion eons that cause his birth-and-death.
Isn’t it meant that we can only recite the name in voice and cannot invoke Amitabha in mind? Not really. It is because that person belongs to the class at the lowest level in the low tier, and he is close to the end of his life. In our case, we can recite orally in our daily life. When tired, switch to silent recitation in mind.
難道我們念佛只可以嘴巴念佛心中不能念佛嗎?不是的,是因為那個人是下品下生的根機,他已經臨命終了;如果是我們,平常可以 一方面口念,口念累了就可以改為心中默念。
Namo Amitabha!

Friday, August 4, 2017

Aug 4

Aug 4, 2017
Sentient beings’ mind is mixed with poisons, and their practices are conditioned and unreal; only Amitabha’s mind is pure, and his practices are real. So, only the power of Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow is taken into account, not the power of ordinary beings’ practices. Don’t take qualification of the sentient beings as a criteria for making judgment on whether rebirth is attained, but do ask whether one believes in Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow. Those who believe will be reborn; those who doubt will not.
In brief, the teaching of the Fundamental Vow targets mainly ordinary beings. If they believe in “other-power” and practice accordingly, they will be reborn in the rewarded land. In other words, those who are extremely stupid in the lowest class [without alternative choice], following the extremely virtuous and foremost teaching, are reborn in the extremely high and most splendid land.
蓋眾生皆是雜毒之心,虛假之行;唯有彌陀是清淨之心,真實之行。因此,不論眾生修行之力,只論彌陀本願之力。不可依眾生的資格論生不生, 應該就彌陀之本願問信不信。信者得生,疑者不生。
Namo Amitabha!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Aug 3

Aug 3, 2017
Without recourse to the vow, even a bodhisattva of equal enlightenment cannot be reborn [in the Land of Bliss], not to say an ordinary being. Concerning with the ordinary beings, they don’t even have the ability to liberate themselves from reincarnation within the Six Realms, how can they be reborn in a highly splendid reward land?
“Self-power” of those beings on the Five Vehicles is not the cause for their entering into the reward land; the main cause is the sole entrustment to the Buddha’s vow. No matter of what kinds of aptitude, and whether their deeds are virtuous or evil, rebirth in the reward land relies solely on the power of Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow, not on the practitioner’s own power.
(continued tomorrow)

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Aug 2 2017

Aug 2, 2017
What is the intention [of saying this]? That is to encourage and urge people forward on Amitabha-recitation. To a person who is occupied with nothing all day, he will not slacken off. Thinking of the high ranking while being occupied with nothing, he is just right for reciting the name 30,000 times a day. To a person who is very busy, he will also squeeze some time and sit down quietly for reciting Amitabha’s name when he thinks of getting into the highest rank by reciting 30,000 times.
After rebirth, however, does he really in the rank at the highest level of the high tier? Actually, everyone reborn there surpasses the highest level of the high tier. If we understand this principle, and know that the intention of Master Shandao’s interpretation is urging us not to be slothful, we should try our best to recite as many as we can without forsaking, and not to slacken off. In brief, we should be apt in digesting the essence of the master’s words.
Namo Amitabha!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Aug 1 2017

Aug 1, 2017
Why does Master Shandao say that those who recite Amitabha’s name 30,000 times per day are at the highest level of the high tier? For practitioners of this school, this helps to prevent sloth and complacency. The 18th Vow says “even ten recitations”, and Master Shandao interprets this as “reciting the preeminent name “Namo Amituofo”, and also “invocations after invocations without forsaking”.
Since the meaning [of the 18th Vow] is reciting the preeminent name Namo Amituofo continuously without forsaking, Master Shandao puts those who recite 30,000 times per day on the highest level of the high tier, so as to encourage people to recite invariably and never give up.
(continued tomorrow)
Namo Amitabha!