Wednesday, November 25, 2020

November 25 2020

Nov 25, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Truth of Impermanence

Parents and children, friends and groups in our life, are a kind of karmic retribution. When karmic conditions ripen, we gather together. However, when the conditions vanish, we depart from each other. All four kinds of sacred beings and six kinds of ordinary beings are the same. This is the law and truth related to impermanence, suffering, emptiness, and no-self.
There is an ancient saying, “There is no family that is not broken. There is no nation that is invincible. There is no person that does not die.” It also says, “There is no banquet that never disperses.”


Namo Amituofo!

November 24 2020

Nov 24, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Encouraging the practice of Amitabha-Recitation

Upon hearing the call of Amitabha, if it is referred to as a special kind of feeling, or an unusually deep experience, this is considered a deviation. This is because our minds and emotions are impermanent, Therefore, our emotions come when certain conditions come; but, they change when those conditions are gone.
It is because we are ordinary beings; full of greed, hatred, delusion, arrogance and doubt. So, when afflictions come, our previous feelings change and disappear.
The principle of Amitabha Buddha’s deliverance is unchanging; but, our feelings change. So, do not rely on feelings as the benchmark of faith, and do not regard feelings as the condition for rebirth. Simply speaking, where is Amitabha’s calling? It is not within our feelings; but, within Amitabha’s NAME.


Namo Amituofo!

November 23 2020

Nov 23, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

If an Amitabha-reciter goes to another Buddhist temple, where they do not worship Amitabha Buddha as the principal Buddha, we should of course prostrate three times upon arrival. Is this regarded as a mixed practice? No, because prostration is an expression of respect to the Buddha. However, our mental attitude is the not the same.


Namo Amituofo!

November 22 2020

Nov 22, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths

In this respect, Buddhists should always examine and review their motives and actions. If we have fallen short, we should repent and resolve to do better in future.
Master Shandao, the de facto founder of Pure Land Buddhism says, “We also repent with every single name-recitation.”
We ordinary beings live in this wicked world with five kinds of turbidity. When dealing with wicked people, we cannot say what’s really in our minds. However, what we can do is recite Amitabha’s Name, which has the functional capacity of repentance, regret, and eradicating our offenses with every single recitation.


Namo Amituofo!

November 21 2020

Nov 21, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School:
Worldly Truths

Those who live in this wicked world of Fivefold Turbidity are ordinary beings, with all kinds of greed, hatred and delusions. Because of this, how can we deal with all matters with a sincere mind? It is impossible! For these reasons the Infinite Life Sutra says, “What we say is different from what we think. Both our speech and our thought are unreal.”
As ordinary beings, our minds are often different from our speech. Living in this world, we know we shouldn’t use false speech; however, it is often inevitable that we speak with “courtesy” under these circumstances. If we speak the truth, we may spoil the atmosphere or even the relationship with others. Sometimes these situations are unavoidable.
(to be continued tomorrow)



Namo Amituofo!

November 20 2020

Nov 20, 2020
A verse about ‘earnest calling’ from ‘In praise of Dharma Practice’

With his 48 vows, (Amitabha Buddha) earnestly calls to us,
And asks us to aspire to be reborn in the West with reliance on his vow power.
Regardless of one’s karmic offenses, blessings, or the time spent in Amitabha-
We should sincerely recite Amitabha’s Name without any doubts.


Namo Amituofo!

November 19 2020

Nov 19, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Amitabha Sutra

When Shakyamuni Buddha expounded the Amitabha Sutra, all buddhas of the ten directions came to extol it pro-actively, and unanimously certify what Shakyamuni Buddha said is true. What he says is the same as what all buddhas of the ten directions say, which is also verified through the accomplishment of Amitabha’s 17th Vow in the Infinite Life Sutra.
In the Amitabha Sutra, it also says all buddhas of the ten directions will come together to protect Amitabha-reciters. In this case, when we recite Amitabha’s Name, we are embraced and protected by all buddhas. Isn’t that amazing?! It should also make us fully confident in our deliverance, no matter how inferior our aptitudes are.


Namo Amituofo!

November 18 2020

Nov 18, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Truth of Impermanence

A person who has a strong sense of death is likely to be a scrupulous Buddhist, because this sense can motivate him to work hard. Even though no one encourages or urges him, he is self-motivated to find a teaching that can liberate him in this lifetime.
If a person’s sense of the nearness of death is weak, he will be carefree, and drift from one teaching to another. If death comes suddenly, he will be totally unprepared.


NAmo Amituofo!

November 17 2020

Nov 17, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Encouraging the practice of Amitabha-Recitation

As Amitabha’s deliverance is unconditional, we need not worry whether Amitabha will deliver us or not, based on our mood or feelings. Moods and feelings are impermanent. They come when conditions ripen and disappear when conditions depart. They have no lasting substance. The Buddha says, “Contemplate your impermanent mind.”
In particular, ordinary beings are heavily burdened by karmic offenses and afflictions, their minds always change depending on their environment. Nevertheless, whether they change to happiness or sadness it does not affect Amitabha’s deliverance. This is because Amitabha’s deliverance is as indestructible as a diamond, which is permanent in the past, at present and in the future.

彌陀救度,既無條件,則不可以心情之如何論彌陀之救與不救。心情乃是無常 ,遇緣則生,緣過則滅,緣生緣滅,本無實體;佛言「觀心無常」。

Namo Amituofo!

November 16 2020

Nov 16, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Encouraging the practice of Amitabha-Recitation

Amitabha’s deliverance is: pro-active, equal, unconditional, independent of any circumstances, and transcending any conditions. Any person who aspires to be reborn in the Land of Bliss, and exclusively recites Amitabha’s Name even ten times, will be delivered. It doesn’t matter whether he has zero virtues or one hundred percent of the necessary virtues.
In the parable of “The Two Rivers and the White Path”, Master Shandao describes Amitabha’s assurance, and his call as follows: “Please come straight here with singleness of mind and with right attention? I will protect you. You need not be afraid of falling into the water or being burned by the fire.”
Thus, an exclusive Amitabha-reciter (one who goes straight in singleness of mind and with right attention) should not be afraid of drowning in the water or being burned by the fire. (The river symbolizes greed and the fire symbolizes anger.)
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

November 15 2020

Nov 15, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

An Arhat is a person who will no longer reincarnate. He has done whatever he needed to do. He has started his Brahma practices, so he will not have any physical body in future. This is because an Arhat has abided by all of the precepts, and has cultivated all practices perfectly. He has already paused in this lifetime, and ended the repeated births-and-deaths of past eons. Therefore, when his physical life comes to the end, he will not enter another physical body.
All sentient beings who recite Amitabha’s Name exclusively, though they have not eliminated all delusions or attained enlightenment, the stage they have reached on the sacred path is higher and more splendid than that of Arhats.


Namo Amituofo!

November 14 2020

Nov 14, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths

A Pure Land practitioner should not overly enjoy peculiar things or seek the mysterious. He should be ordinary, normal, simple, and plain; and recite Amitabha’s Name with singleness of mind, peace of mind, and ceasing mind. Be scrupulous in reciting. Be like a fool, without any pressure or attachment. Just recite while walking, standing, sitting, or lying down, in any place and at any time. Recite without forsaking. Recite when you are delighted, and recite when you are afflicted. Above all, we should always exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name!


Namo Amituofo!

Friday, November 13, 2020

November 13 2020

Nov 13, 2020
A verse about ‘right intention near the end-of-life’ from ‘In praise of Dharma Practice’

During the end of life, one recites Amitabha’s Name with right mindfulness,
And sees Amitabha’s light of kindness shining on one’s body.
With recourse to the power of Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow,
We enter the Treasure Hall within one thought.


Namo Amituofo!

November 12 2020

Nov 12, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Amitabha Sutra

The Amitabha Sutra explains Amitabha’s Name as infinite light and infinite life. It says, “Why do you think that Buddha is called Amitabha? It is because that Buddha's light shines boundlessly and without hindrance over all the worlds of the ten quarters.”
It also says, “The lives of the Buddha and the people of his land last for immeasurable, unlimited, and incalculable eons. It is for this reason that the Buddha is called Amitayus. “
In the Commentary on the Treatise on Rebirth, why did Master Tanluan mention the Buddha’s infinite light, but not his infinite life? It is because his life is Amitabha’s body and the light is Amitabha’s function. Combining the two to express Amitabha’s body and function, he teaches about the functions of light, which naturally cover the life of the body.


Namo Amituofo!

November 11 2020

Nov 11, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Truth of Impermanence

“Don’t say you’ll learn the Way when you get old. Take note of how many young people are buried in isolated tombs”. We always think we will die when we get old or after we get sick. It is not necessarily the case. We die when conditions ripen, regardless of our health or age.


Namo Amituofo!

November 10 2020

Nov 10, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Encouraging the practice of Amitabha-Recitation

With one thought near the end-of-life, one can be reborn. However, it is better to recite Amitabha’s Name often during our lives, so that we can be at peace when our end-of- life arrives. We should not be lazy in our practice, because it may delay the holy matter of our assured rebirth.


Namo Amituofo!

November 9 2020

Nov 9, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

Though we may not understand the teachings transmitted by good advisors and still have doubts, we can accept them first and understand bit by bit. People are different in aptitudes; so, they may not believe and accept upon first hearing. That is, unless their virtuous roots are deep due to past karma. Otherwise they are sure to have doubts.
So, what should we do? Accept first and try to understand later. That is to say, whatever we are ready to understand, we start there. That is the meaning of “clear understanding and deep belief”.


Namo Amituofo!

November 8 2020

Nov 8, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths

If our sensual desires and afflictions were not heavy, we would not have been born in the world of the fivefold turbidities. Understanding this, we should accommodate and forgive each other, because all of us are almost the same - equally evil in this evil world. For this reason, we should have sympathy for each other. One is all and all is one.
That means all of our behaviors are very much the same. If others exhibit certain behaviors, so can I. We don’t behave a certain way only because we haven’t encountered the necessary conditions.
Understanding these truths should cause us to be more sympathetic to our fellow sentient beings. There is a saying: Being forced by karma, none of us acts intentionally. A wise man realizes this and is sympathetic to others. Ordinary people blame each other. This statement teaches us an important lesson.


Namo Amituofo!

November 7 2020

Nov 7, 2020
A verse stating ‘Amitabha Buddha appears upon Amitabha-recitation’from ‘In praise of Dharma Practice’

While reciting Amitabha’s Name without interruption,
The manifested buddhas and bodhisattvas walk along in front of us,
Or, they offer us the lotus altar and receive us with welcoming hands.
When our life comes to its end, Amitabha Buddha will be there to receive us.


Namo Amituofo!

November 6 2020

Nov 6, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Amitabha Sutra

The Amitabha Sutra was spoken by the Buddha without it being requested. This means the Sutra was spoken at the Buddha’s own discretion. In this Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha downgrades the merit and virtues of the meditative and non-meditative practices as “few in roots of virtues and meritorious blessings”, and do not enable rebirth. Only Amitabha-recitation is the most virtuous among all kinds of virtues, and the most blessed out of all kinds of blessings. This means, Amitabha-recitation is abundant in roots of virtues and great in meritorious blessings, the most splendid and inconceivable roots of virtues, so that rebirth is assured.
In the Amitabha Sutra, it does not mention rebirth for those in three tiers, nor at the nine levels, because it says those reborn are all bodhisattvas in the state of non-retrogression, Buddhas - to - be in one more lifetime. All of them are superior virtuous beings. They are all of the same status and dwell in the same realm.


Namo Amituofo!

November 5 2020

Nov 5, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Truth of Impermanence

A person who is scrupulous in learning and practicing Buddhism must have an important foundation, which is a strong sense of “sudden death”. This means, “The matter of birth-and-death is great, and can come at any moment”. This doesn’t mean that those who are aged or dealing with a critical illness should constantly think of death; or, that young healthy people should feel that death is always approaching.
They must learn and practice Buddhism with a positive attitude. If they are not vigorous enough, it will not be possible for them to progress, not to mention anticipating and resolving the great matter of birth-and-death in this life. For these reasons, one should know the importance of the sense of sudden death.


Namo Amituofo!

November 4 2020

Nov 4, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings-Encouraging the practice of Amitabha-Recitation

If a person thinks that he can act recklessly in daily life because he will eventually be delivered by Amitabha, he has a problem in his understanding.


Namo Amituofo!

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

November 3 2020

Nov 3, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

We are unable to perceive Amitabha’s merit and virtues. We must simply believe, accept, follow, and obey. Through Amitabha’s perceptions gathered over 5 eons, and cultivated during countless more eons, Amitabha Buddha puts all his circumstantial rewards, direct rewards, internal virtues, and external functions into his Name – Namo Amituofo. This Name is unable to be perceived, compared, or depicted by us, as it is inconceivable.


Namo Amituofo!

November 2 2020

Nov 2, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths

Our true state and the state of others is meanness and shamelessness. Knowing we are the same, we should see others with compassionate eyes. The more we accept our abundant evil karma, the more our minds will become softened, and we will realize the mistake of judging and hating others.
The more we know the virtues of Amitabha’s teachings, the more we realize his thorough accommodation and his limitless love. With Amitabha as our example, we can forgive and care for others in all matters. Within the two kinds of deep faith (in aptitude and teaching), we begin to see and appreciate the virtues in the world.


Namo Amituofo!

November 1 2020

Nov 1, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths

The Buddha Dharma is like a mirror. We see our faces with a mirror, and we see our minds by hearing the Dharma. With our backs facing the mirror, we think we are benevolent and kind; but, this is a kind of arrogance that leads to looking down upon others. By facing the mirror, we know our evil karma is unfathomable, and we deeply feel our inability to free ourselves.
Though the evil within my mind is unfathomable, Amitabha’s power is boundless. This understanding prepares us for the two kinds of deep faith (in aptitude and in teaching). Although we learn them as separate ideas, the two are really one entity.
Through accepting our lack of aptitude, we feel regret. However, upon learning about Amitabha’s boundless compassion, we feel joy and gratefulness, and can’t help but recite Namo Amituofo, Namo Amituofo!
No matter how deep and heavy my karmic offenses, Amitabha Buddha’s merit and virtues can easily remove them. Through understanding these truths, our minds naturally become settled and we gently relax.
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

October 31 2020

Oct 31, 2020
A verse about ‘direct rebirth in Nirvana’ from ‘In praise of Dharma Practice’

Buddhas of the ten directions, as many as the sands of the Ganges, unfold their tongues
To encourage all ordinary beings to accept rebirth in the Land of Peace and Joy.
Amitabha Buddha dispatches 25 bodhisattvas
To come and protect us at all times.
Amitabha-reciters will directly enter the City of Nirvana at the end of their lives.
As their minds are straightforward and their practice is genuine, Amitabha comes to welcome them.


Namo Amituofo!

October 30 2020

Oct 30, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Amitabha Sutra

When we hear about Amitabha Buddha, if we do not believe and accept Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow and uphold his Name, it is equivalent to not hearing at all. If we are able to know and accept that rebirth in the Land of Bliss through the exclusive practice of Amitabha-recitation is real, faith is already within us.


Namo Amituofo!