Friday, March 24, 2023

March 23, 2023

Mar 23, 2023
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

We know the Land of Saha is full of various kinds of sufferings; but , the Land of Bliss
has none. Once there we only experience pleasure and various kinds of enjoyment.
Thus, the Lotus Sutra explains the reality of Saha (like a burning house); and the
Amitabha Sutra explains the reality of Bliss, in which there is no suffering of any kind:
no suffering through the stages of birth-and-death, no suffering of transformed
birth-and-death, and enjoyment of the happiness of Nirvana (no-birth and no-death).
So, we should know the purpose of the Lotus Sutra is to direct us to the Land of Bliss.

三界如火宅 (續)
可見,娑婆充滿眾苦,而極樂是無有眾苦,而且是但受諸樂,因此可知,《法華經》是在說明娑婆的實相 —— 就像火在燃燒的房子;《阿彌陀經》是在說明極樂的實相 —— 一旦往生淨土,就離開種種苦,沒有分段生死的苦, 沒有變易生死的苦,只有不生不滅涅槃之樂。以此也可以知道,《法華經》 的目的是在指向極樂世界。

Namo Amituofo!

March 22, 2023

Mar 22, 2023
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

The Three Domains are like a Burning House
The Lotus Sutra says, “There is no peace in the Three Domains. It is like a burning house, full of all kinds of countless horrible sufferings!”
The Three Domains are the Desire Realm, Form Realm and Formless Realm. “Like a burning house” means the entire great cosmos is like a house on fire with flames burning all over. Because the flames are all over the house, nothing is more painful than being inside the house. So, it says, “full of all kinds of countless horrible suffering”
What about the Land of Bliss? The Amitabha Sutra says, “The beings in that land suffer no pain; but, only enjoy pleasures of various kinds. That is why it is called the Land of Bliss.”
(to be continued tomorrow)

《法華經》言:三界無安,猶如火宅, 眾苦充滿,甚可怖畏。
而極樂世界怎麼樣呢?《阿彌陀經》說:彼土何故名為極樂? 其國眾生,無有眾苦,但受諸樂,故名極樂。

Namo Amituofo!

March 21, 2023

Mar 21, 2023
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about Faith in the Pure Land

By merely reciting Namo Amituofo we can see Amitabha Buddha, see all Buddhas in the ten directions, and receive predictions from all Buddhas in the ten directions. The Contemplation Sutra says, “Seeing the Buddha of Infinite Life is seeing all Buddhas in the ten directions.” By seeing an infinite number of Buddhas, we receive an infinite number of predictions.
So, among all Buddhas in the ten directions, we can gain these merits and virtues only by reciting Namo Amituofo, without even asking for them.


Namo Amituofo!

March 20, 2023

Mar 20, 2023
A verse about ‘The Rareness of meeting the Buddha’ quoted from “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”by Master Shandao

It is extremely rare to meet the Buddha in this world.
It is even more difficult for a person to have the wisdom to believe in the Buddha.
Encountering the rare Dharma [of Amitabha’s deliverance],
Is the most difficult of all.


Namo Amituofo!

March 19, 2023

Mar 19, 2023
Pure Land Patriarch - Master Daochuo

The Sutra of the Great Collection of the Moon Store says, “ Sentient beings now live in an era that is approximately the fourth five-hundred-year period since Shakyamuni Buddha passed away. They should practice blessings, repentance, and recite Amitabha Buddha’s name.”
When selecting a teaching with respect to the aptitude and the era, it is clearly indicated by the trustworthy words in the Sutra that sentient beings nowadays should recite Amitabha Buddha’s name. It also says, “If a practitioner wishes to enter the sacred paths, it is difficult to attain a high ranking even when they experience splendid outcomes. Only through the Pure Land teaching, can a practitioner easily enter if he wishes.”
It also concisely points out: In the world with five kinds of turbidity, in the Dharma-Ending age, and in the absence of the Buddha, the Three Learnings and the Six Paramitas are difficult for people to practice and gradually realize. It is only the teaching of Amitabha’s deliverance to be reborn in the Pure Land of Peace and Joy, that can allow us to enter the Bodhi Way. This means that Pure Land teaching is the path to Buddhahood for even a person who commits offenses throughout his entire life, in the world of five kinds of turbidity, in the Dharma-Ending era. This is because the teaching is suitable for the aptitudes of people in that era.


Namo Amituofo!

March 18, 2023

Mar 18, 2023
Pure Land Patriarch - Master Daochuo

The matching of “era” with “teaching” means: a practitioner who resolves to end the suffering of birth-and-death in this life and expedite the attainment of perfect enlightenment, must consider these things from the point of view of the present “era” and his own “aptitude and capacity” in selecting the appropriate teaching to cultivate.
When Master Daochuo was born, the Dharma-Ending Era had commenced. The book (“the Collection of Peace and Joy”) advocates a teaching which is suitable for the people in this era to practice, and that matches their own aptitudes and capacities.
This is rebirth in the Land of Peace and joy through the exclusive recitation of Amitabha Buddha’s Name. The book (“the Collection of Peace and Joy”) says in the beginning of the first chapter: “Taking the era and the aptitude of people into consideration, I urge them to return to the Pure Land.” He indicated that it is easy to practice and understand because the teaching is aligned with the aptitudes in that era; but, it is difficult to follow and practice if the teaching is inappropriate for the aptitudes in that era.
So, when we cultivate the Way, we should observe the time we live in and our aptitude first, with reference to the trustworthy words in the Sutra of Mindfulness of the Proper Dharma, and the Sutra of the Great Collection of the Moon Store below.
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

March 17, 2023

Mar 17, 2023
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about Classification of Teachings – the Sacred and the Pure Land teachings
淨宗判教 – 聖淨二門判

Thus, Master Fazhao says, There is no need to practice various virtues to become a Buddha once we have arrived in the Pure Land. We just simply recite Amitabha’s Name while sitting properly on the lotus platform. That is to say, upon arrival in the Land of Bliss, we are not required to labor in practicing the Six Paramitas for three great eons. We need only to sit properly within a lotus flower and recite Namo Amituofo. That’s All!
Why is it so easy? What is the rationale behind this? Upon watching a star at dawn, Shakyamuni Buddha was thoroughly and totally enlightened, thus becoming a Buddha. When we are reborn in the Land Bliss, our six sense organs (roots) capture the six scenes (dusts), enabling us to be thoroughly and fully enlightened. The perfect beauty of all of the scenes enables us to also become Buddhas.

為什麼這麼容易,道理何在?釋迦牟尼佛夜睹明星大徹大悟而成佛,我們到極樂世界六根門頭對極樂世界的六境,因情境皆殊勝,同樣也都能夠大徹大悟, 都能夠成佛的。

Namo Amituofo!

March 16, 2023

Mar 16, 2023
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Classification of Teachings – theSacred and the Pure Land teachings
淨宗判教 – 聖淨二門判

To become a Buddha in order to deliver sentient beings in the Saha World is the Sacred Path. The prerequisite is that the practitioner has the aptitude to become a sacred being, which is very rare and not possible for all people. Based on that benchmark, most of us do not possess the aptitude to become a sacred being.
To enter the Pure Land from this Defiled Land is the Pure Land Path. That is, being reborn from the Saha World to the Land of Bliss, then accomplishing Buddhahood in the Land of Bliss. Does that mean that we go to the Land of Bliss in order to study all the teachings of the Sacred Path? No, it doesn’t.
It is because all that we need has already been included by Amitabha, when we exclusively recite his Six-Syllable Name. So, we don’t need to pursue other expedient means of study and practice once we are reborn in the Land of Bliss.
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

March 15, 2023

Mar 15, 2023
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about Classification of Teachings – the Sacred and the Pure Land teachings
淨宗判教 – 聖淨二門判

As it pertains to cultivation on the Sacred Path, if the practitioner doesn't dedicate his merits and virtues toward rebirth in the Pure Land, he is still on the Sacred Path. If he dedicates towards rebirth in the Pure Land, he is regarded as following the Pure Land Path with mixed practices.
The Sacred Path relies upon the aptitudes and capacities needed to become a sacred being, one who “enters from the ordinary to the sacred”. That is to say, though he is an ordinary being, he has the capacity to become a sacred being. He can practice the Six Paramitas to accumulate a myriad of virtues life after life. If he cannot achieve it in this life, he can continue in the next life, so on and so forth. He can enter from ordinary to sacred after a great many eons, provided he doesn’t give up or have setbacks along the way. This is called the Sacred Path.
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

March 13, 2023

Mar 13, 2023
The 31 Verses Explaining the Amitabha Sutra from “In Praise of Dharma Practices” by Master Shandao
善導大師《法事讚》 轉《阿彌陀經》31偈語

24 A Verse about Affirmation by all of the Buddhas in the West
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
There are as many Buddhas in the West as there are sands in the Ganges River. Each of them praises the Tathagata from his own country.
The Tathagata splits his body into hundreds and billions of forms during his life in Jambudvipa. This is truly rare!
Ordinary beings in the world of Five Kinds of Turbidity say that the Buddha was real. He realized the unconditioned realm after six years of ascetic practices.
He conquered demons, achieved Buddhahood, and shared the wonderful Dharma. All of his various kinds of expedient teachings have many levels of understanding.
He comprehensively advises sentient beings to return to the Pure Land. However, they need to think about it, hesitate, worry, and even doubt.
Now, I extend my tongue to affirm that the Land of Bliss in the West is a place we can rely on.
The multitude should dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands and always offer them to the Buddha.

24. 西方證誠相偈
願往生 願往生
西方諸佛如恆沙 各於本國讚如來
分身百億閻浮內 示現八相大稀奇
五濁凡夫將謂實 六年苦行證無為
降魔成道說妙法 種種方便不思議
普勸眾生歸淨土 前思卻慮更生疑
我今舒舌以為證 西方極樂必須依
眾等迴心皆願往 手執香華常供養 
Namo Amituofo!

March 14, 2023

Mar 14, 2023
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about “ the greatest in benefiting others”

Urging people to aspire to be reborn in the West through Amitabha-recitation, is the same as enabling ordinary beings to become Buddhas. The merit and virtues attained are of the highest level.


Namo Amituofo!

March 12, 2023

Mar 12, 2023
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

Characteristics of Amitabha’s Deliverance
Pure Land teaching is the teaching of Amitabha’s deliverance. Amitabha’s deliverance is proactive and motivational. It is not dependent upon requests or prayers. It has no specific targets or conditions for deliverance, and has no relationship with our wisdom, knowledge, cultivation, kindness, or evilness.

淨土法門是彌陀救度的法門,而彌陀的救度是主動、積極而來,不因祈求、拜託而來,不問對象,不講條件,與智慧無關,與學問無關, 與修行無關,與善惡無關。

Namo Amituofo!

March 11, 2023

Mar 11, 2023
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

As long as we open our mouths, and recite Namo Amituofo, it is the same as reciting the names of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the ten directions. It is the same as cultivating eighty four thousand teachings, and receiving all of the merits and virtues that exist in the Dharma Realms of the ten directions. It doesn’t matter whether we know them or cannot even imagine them.


Namo Amituofo!

March 10, 2023

Mar 10, 2023
A verse about “Extinction of the Three Jewels after ten thousand years”, quoted from “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth” by Master Shandao

After ten thousand years, the Three Jewels will be extinguished in the Land of Saha.
However, this Sutra (the Infinite Life Sutra) will survive for hundreds of years more.
During that time, whoever awakens a single thought of Amitabha’s Name after hearing about it,
Will attain rebirth in his Pure Land.


Namo Amituofo!

March 9, 2023

Mar 9, 2023
Pure Land Patriarch - Master Daochuo

Regarding “even ten times”, many people interpret it as the mental act of “contemplating / thinking”, which fails to comply with the easiness of practice indicated as the original intent of the Buddha. It violates Amitabha’s fundamental vow made after five eons of contemplation. Thus, Master Daochuo clarified and interpreted it as “recite my name ten times without interruption”. By interpreting “reciting” instead of “thinking”, he revealed the original intent of Amitabha, and completely restored the easiness of practice. In this way, the original meaning of “thinking” can be properly understood. Based on this interpretation, Master Shandao directly interpreted it as “reciting my name as few as ten times”. The explanation of the patriarchal masters is entirely aligned with the Buddhas’ intent, which enlightens us forever.


Namo Amituofo!

March 8, 2023

Mar 8, 2023
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about Classification of Teachings – the Sacred and the Pure Land teachings
淨宗判教 – 聖淨二門判

Relying on Amitabha's power to attain rebirth in the Pure Land of Bliss and achieve Buddhahood is the basis of the Pure Land Path. Relying on one’s own power to practice and cultivate life after life in the Land of Saha, to transcend reincarnation, and even achieve Buddhahood is the Sacred Path. In studying Buddhism, we must know the difference between the two paths, so as to avoid confusion.
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

March 7, 2023

Mar 7, 2023
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about “upholding whether busy or not”

Whether busy or not, under favorable or unfavorable circumstances, uphold Amitabha’s name, and never forget to aspire to be reborn in the West.

隨忙隨閑,不離彌陀名號; 順境逆境,不忘往生西方。

Namo Amituofo!

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

March 6, 2023

Mar 6, 2023
The 31 Verses Explaining the Amitabha Sutra quoted from “In Praise of Dharma Practices” by Master Shandao
善導大師《法事讚》 轉《阿彌陀經》31偈語

23 A Verse about Affirmation by all Buddhas in the South
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
Buddhas in the South are as many as the sands in the Ganges River. They extend their tongues to cover the three thousand worlds in the entire cosmos [to affirm Amitabha’s Vow].
For the sake of ordinary and sacred beings in their own lands, they praise Shakyamuni for transforming his body into human form,
And becomes the Buddha in the Land of Saha of the Five Kinds of Turbidity. His sole aim is to teach and deliver those people with deeply rooted karmic offenses.
They have a false view of self, overly active sensual desires, and a high level of arrogance. They become angry when they are advised to leave the defiled world.
Do you sentient beings, who have been wandering for countless lives, believe the words attested to by all Buddhas are not true?
The multitude should dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always offer them to the Buddha.

願往生 願往生
南方諸佛如恆沙 亦舒舌相覆三千
為其本國凡聖眾 讚歎釋迦變現身
出現娑婆五濁內 標心為化罪根人
我見邪貪增上慢 教令出世反生瞋
念汝眾生流浪久 諸佛誠言謂不真
眾等迴心生淨土 手執香華常供養

Namo Amituofo!

March 5, 2023

Mar 5, 2023
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

The Dharma that must be believed (continued)
Master Shandao says in the beginning of “In Praise of Pratyutpanna”, “Shakyamuni Buddha is like a kind and compassionate parent, who provides various expedient teachings to arouse your unsurpassed faith.” This clearly indicates that the reason Shakyamuni Buddha appeared in the world is to guide all Buddhist practitioners with various expedient teachings, in order to awaken faith in the teaching of Amitabha’s deliverance through Amitabha-recitation.

必信之法 (續)

Namo Amituofo!

March 4, 2023

Mar 4, 2023
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

The Dharma that must be believed
Master Shandao says in the beginning of “In Praise of Pratyutpanna”, “Shakyamuni Buddha is like a kind and compassionate parent, who provides various expedient teachings to arouse your unsurpassed faith.” This clearly indicates that the reason Shakyamuni Buddha appeared in the world is to guide all Buddhist practitioners with various expedient teachings, in order to awaken faith in the teaching of Amitabha’s deliverance through Amitabha-recitation.
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

March 3, 2023

Mar 3, 2023
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about Faith in Pure Land 

Our minds are originally filled with ignorance and darkness; however, when our ignorance makes contact with the light of the Land of Bliss, the ignorance will instantly disappear. It is just like a person who suffers an illness for seven years; but, expected to be cured in three. His ignorance prevents him from taking a medicine that can cure him immediately. Though the darkness of our ignorance is continuous and creates endless obstructions in our lives, it will immediately disappear when the unimpeded light of Amitabha Buddha shines upon it.


Namo Amituofo!

March 2, 2023

Mar 2, 2023 
A verse saying “the entire world is completely on fire”, quoted from In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth by Master Shandao 
Because the great cosmos is on fire, 
You must go straight through it in order to hear the Buddha’s Name. 
Those who joyfully recite upon hearing the Name 
Will attain rebirth in that Land. 

設滿大千火,直過聞佛名; 聞名歡喜讚,皆當得生彼。 

Namo Amituofo!

Thursday, March 2, 2023

March 1, 2023

Mar 1, 2023
Pure Land Patriarch - Master Daochuo

Sentient beings in the Avici hells are, of course included, among “those who commit offenses throughout their entire physical lives.” Even sentient beings in the Avici hells, if they dedicate their minds toward [Amitabha Buddha], they can also be reborn and be embraced by Amitabh Buddha. I implies that all sentient beings who recite Amitabha’s Name must be reborn. Thus, for the method of attaining rebirth, Amitabha-recitation is the easiest; yet, the functional capacity of its merit and virtues are transcendent and splendid. One cannot grasp the true meaning of these passages without reading the Chapter on the Easy Path by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, the Shastra of Rebirth by Vasubandhu, the Commentary on the Shastra of Rebirth by Master Tanluan, and the Collection on Peace and Joy by Master Daochuo.


Namo Amituofo!

February 28, 2023

Feb 28, 2023
Pure Land Patriarch - Master Daochuo

A text, by Master Daochuo, explaining the Fundamental Vow
“ Though a sentient being commits offenses during his entire life, he can recite my Name continuously near the end-of-life; if he cannot be reborn, I will not attain perfect Enlightenment.”
It also says, “Though he commits offenses during his entire physical life, all his karmic obstructions will be naturally eradicated and his rebirth is assured by focusing his mind on frequent recitation of my Name.”
With just a glance, one ought to know these verses explain Amitabha’s 18th Vow. The two texts match word for word. Master Daochuo explained “sentient beings of the ten directions” in the 18th Vow, and explicitly points out that “those who commit offenses during their entire physical lives” includes sentient beings in the ten directions.
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

February 27, 2023

Feb 27, 2023
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about Classification of Teachings – the Sacred and Pure Land Paths
淨宗判教 – 聖淨二門判

The Sacred Path is a teaching of “self-powered” cultivation. It means, realizing the fruit through one’s own capacity, by practicing the Six Paramitas and accumulating a myriad of virtues. It requires repeated rebirths as a human being in the Six Realms, life after life. However, it is only suitable for those with the aptitudes of sacred beings. Thus, it is regarded as a “difficult practice.”
On the other hand, the Pure Land Path is the teaching of faith in “other-power”. If a person exclusively recites Amitabha’s Name in this Land of Saha in the present life , he will be reborn in the Land of Bliss, and realize that fruit. It is regarded as an”easy practice” that is appropriate for ordinary beings.


Namo Amituofo!

February 26, 2023

Feb 26, 2023
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about “the respective gain and loss of exclusive and mixed practices”

The Great Master Shandao was an incarnation of Amitabha Buddha, who has infinite wisdom and great paranormal powers. He expounds the teaching of the two kinds of cultivation for rebirth, namely exclusive and mixed practices, and renders boundless benefits to us.
Exclusive practice refers to: exclusive prostration (bodily karma), exclusive recitation (oral karma), and exclusive recollection (mental karma). By doing so, no one will miss out on attaining rebirth in the West.
Mixed practices refer to a variety of teachings that are dedicated to rebirth.
Because the mind is neither pristine nor single, it is difficult to gain true benefits. Only as few as one or two out of a hundred, and three to four out of a thousand can be reborn.
This is a sincere teaching given by the Buddhas, and the unchanging truth.


Namo Amituofo!

February 25, 2023

Feb 25, 2023

The 31 Verses Explaining the Amitabha Sutra from “ In Praise of Dharma Practices” by Master Shandao

善導大師《法事讚》 轉《阿彌陀經》31偈語

22 A Verse about The Affirmation by all Buddhas in the East

Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.

Shakyamuni Tathagata always extols the venerable Bodhisattvas of Equal Enlightenment, as many as the sands of the River Ganges.

His Great Compassion delivers sentient beings with a mind of equality. One Buddha bestowing merit and virtues on sentient beings is the same as many Buddhas doing it.

In order to cut off the attachments of doubt and views, all of them extend their tongues to cover the entire cosmos of the three thousand worlds.

They attest to rebirth in the Pure Land by reciting the Name for seven days, and confirm that the words spoken by Shakyamuni are true.

During the end of life, if one recites Amitabha’s Name with right mindfulness,

And sees Amitabha’s light of kindness shining on one’s body,

With recourse to the power of Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow,

He will enter the Hall of Treasure within one thought.

The Hall of Treasure is adorned to an unlimited extent. All of the manifested Buddhas and sacred beings reside there in a state of infinite perception.

They have gained understanding of the Nature of Mind and the teaching of truth, through performing the dual practices of wisdom and compassion, for a hundred or a thousand days.

Just as I have now arrived in the unconditioned realm, I hope all sentient beings can return to this place.

Let the multitude unanimously admire this Pure Land and aspire to be reborn here. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands and always offer them to the Buddha.

22. 東方證誠相偈

願往生 願往生

釋迦如來常讚歎 東方恆沙等覺尊

大悲同化心無二 一佛施功多亦然

為斷凡夫疑見執 皆舒舌相覆三千

共證七日稱名號 又表釋迦言說真

終時正意念彌陀 見佛慈光來照身

乘此彌陀本願力 一念之間入寶堂

寶堂莊嚴無限極 化佛聖眾坐思量

心性明於百千日 悲智雙行法爾常

我今既到無為處 普願含靈歸此方

眾等傾心皆願往 手執香華常供養

Namo Amituofo!

February 24, 2023

Feb 24, 2023

Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching


The Dharma that Must be Spoken

Amitabha Buddha’s 17th Vow says, “If, when I attain Buddhahood, innumerable Buddhas in the lands of the ten quarters should not all praise and glorify my Name, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.”

The Infinite Life Sutra says, “All Buddhas and Tathagatas in the ten directions, as numerous as the sands of the River Ganges, praise the inconceivable, supernal virtues [and unfathomable merits] of Amitayus.

In the passage that explains his original intent for appearing in the world, Shakyamuni Buddha says, “As the Tathagata, I regard all beings in the three worlds with boundless great compassion. The reason for my appearance in the world is to reveal teachings of the Way and save multitudes of beings by endowing them with true benefits.”

All Buddhas come from different worlds in the ten directions, and share immeasurable, boundless teachings with sentient beings of differing aptitudes. However, the teaching of Amitabha's deliverance is the one that all Buddhas in the ten directions share. It is the teaching that all Buddhas never omit.




釋迦牟尼佛 • 出世本懷文 • 言:「如來以無盡大悲,矜哀三界,所以出興於世,光闡道教,欲拯濟群萌,惠以真實之利。」

Namo Amituofo!

February 23, 2023

Feb 23, 2023
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

Amitabha-recitation is the primary practice for our rebirth. It is perfect and complete. In terms of reading Buddhist books, we should only read books of the lineage of our teaching. Only through reading these books can we understand the principle of rebirth through Amitabha-recitation. If we don’t understand this principle, it is impossible for us to recite Amitabha’s name scrupulously, steadily, and peacefully.
Therefore, in order to understand this principle, we have to read those books, and listen to the discourses related to rebirth. However, if you can understand this principle thoroughly, you need not read those books. Just recite Amitabha’s Name as often as you can. That’s all there is to it!

Namo Amituofo!

February 22, 2023

Feb 22, 2023
A verse saying “Whoever hears of that Land of Bliss” quoted from In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth by Master Shandao

Whoever hears of that Land of Bliss,
And Amitabha Buddha’s Name,
And is filled with joy for even one thought,
Will be reborn in that Land.

其有得聞彼,彌陀佛名號; 歡喜至一念,皆當得生彼。

Namo Amituofo!

February 21, 2023

Feb 21, 2023
Pure Land Patriarch - Master Daochuo

Thus, all Buddhas with great compassion, urge us to turn to the Pure Land Path. Even if you have committed offenses for your entire life, all of your karmic obstructions will be fully extinguished. You can be assured of rebirth through the exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s Name. There is no need to worry. Only think deeply about why you wouldn’t want to go to the Pure Land!


Namo Amituofo!

February 20, 2023

Feb 20, 2023
Pure Land Patriarch - Master Daochuo

Moreover, because all sentient beings have scattered minds, they are unable to realize any of Mahayana’s great truths: True Suchness, Real Mark, and the Foremost Truth of Emptiness.
According to the Hinayana, those who cultivate the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path (even up to the third and fourth fruitions), cut off the Five Lower Afflictions, and clear the Five Upper Afflictions (whether they are monastics or householders) are not included.
Though they may achieve the reward of being reborn as humans or devas through the practice of the Five Precepts and the Ten Wholesome Deeds, there are very few who can accomplish this. If living with wickedness and committing offenses is taken into account, it becomes nearly impossible!
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!