Tuesday, July 24, 2018

July 24 2018

Jul 24, 2018
Master Huijing’s Dharma Words about Attributes of the Pure Land Sect of Buddhism: Worldly Truths

Those who follow the Fundamental Vow should know that they are iniquitous sentient beings, should feel ashamed and regretted, should be soft and humble, and should think of practicing good and abandoning evil—just like Master Shandao says, “Always repent with every recitation of Amitabha’s name.”

We should also understand the deliverance with great compassion of Amitabha, receive and accept His grace, be thankful and repay his grace—just like Master Shandao says, “Learn the compassionate mind of the Buddha”. We then feel sympathy for all sentient beings and render happiness to them.



Namo Amitabha!